[Beginner] Java class field method / encapsulation (getter setter) [Note 25]

Class field / class method

Class field

There was an instance field, but a class field that belongs to a class There is also that. As a concrete example, count how many instances were created There is something called count. [Example]

class Person{
 public static int count = 0;

Person(String firstName,...);{
... //↑ By doing this, each time an instance is created, it will be added by 1.

Class method

class Person{
 public static int count = 0;
 public static void printCount(){
  System.out.println("total" + Person.count + "Is a person");

Class methods can be called even if no instance is created.

class Main{
 public static void main(String[]args){
  Person person1 = new Person( //...Abbreviation);

output: 0 people in total 1 person in total

Rewriting fullName with null

The content of the fullName created in the previous article was "firstName + lastName" I will write a concrete example of how to write when you want to add middleName ↓ (Since some instances do not have a middleName, they are indicated by conditional branching.)

class Person{
 public String fullName(){
  if (this.middleName == null){
   return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
   return this.firstname + " " + this.middleName + " " + this.lastName;


A mechanism used to prevent a defined object from being destroyed by touching it. An image like the inside of a personal computer. Until now, it was written as "public", but now it is written as "private".


To make it private and then safely get the value from outside the class A mechanism that returns the value of a field. Write "get field name".


A mechanism used when you want to change the value outside the class after setting it to private. Write "set field name".

//<Person.java>At...After writing the constructor ↓
 public String getMiddleName() {
  return this.middleName;
//First, define the getter, then define the setter
 public void setMiddleName(String middleName) {
//<Main.java>At...Person person1 = new Person("Yamada","Hanako"...);If it is written.
person1.setMiddleName("Claire"); //If you want to change it.

System.out.println("Middle name" + person1.getMiddleName() + "Changed to");

Let's start the review task

・ When defining a getter

public String getName(){
 return this.name;

In the above case, I forget (), so review it carefully. Remember again.

from now on

To advance so that you can write the object orientation so far by yourself I will review how to write while using Progate and other sites. If you have any questions or findings, I will write them again.

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