pytest + webtest + pyramid

How to functionally test an application developed with pyramid with WebTest is described in here. When I try to run this test with pytest, it doesn't work. As stated in the original documentation. pytest may not include your tests.

Also, when I read the pytest documentation, I feel like using ʻunittest` doesn't work. For example, the special parametrized test does not work if the test class is a subclass of unittest ( class-based-tests).

That's why the configuration for testing the pyramid app with pytest + webtest looks like this.

import pytest

def pytest_report_header(config):
    return "sample: functional tests"

def app():
    """ prepare test target app """
    from app import main
    main_app = main({})
    from webtest import TestApp
    return TestApp(main_app)

import pytest

def test_not_found(app):
    res = app.get('/', status=404)
Omitted below

Finally, I feel like I can write a test with pytest. I think the parametrized test is the most convenient.


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