If you put fx-clj (https://clojars.org/fx-clj) into: dependencies, do lein deps, and do (: require [fx-clj.core: as fx]) to repl, ** classpath I was angry with **.
Doesn't include javafx in the first place (that is, it doesn't mean that it doesn't have fx-clj)
According to the environment you are using
sudo yaourt -S jre8-openjdk
sudo pacman -S jdk8-openjdk
sudo pacman -S java-openjfx
And install the required packages
Clojure is an image that sits on top of Java, so don't forget to note the Java environment.
Also, to check if the package is installed, you can easily check by doing `lein deps: tree``` in the terminal or
`` in repl.
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