[ruby] Create DHT11 / 22 class from scratch using datasheet


https://github.com/github0013/rpi-dht I tried to gem

$ gem install rpi-dht


I tried using [dht-sensor-ffi] 1, but when I used it for a long time, I got an error and couldn't figure out what was wrong.


I have no choice but to make the library myself (I can't write C). with ruby

Preliminary matters

First of all, DHT is Single-bus communication (ONE-WIRE). So I think [GPIO4] 4 is that.

--3.3v / 5v as a plus for Raspberry Pi --Minus to Raspberry Pi minus --Data line to [GPIO4] 4 of Raspberry Pi

How to read the data sheet

[DHT11 data sheet] 2 [DHT22 data sheet] 3

Flow until data acquisition



There is no difference on 11/22 until the final data is taken. The flow is like this

  1. Set GPIO4 to ** output **
  2. Set to HIGH
  3. Set to LOW (within 1-20ms)
  4. Set GPIO4 to ** input **
  5. HIGH is returned once Approximately 20-200us
  6. LOW returns about 80us as Response signal
  7. HIGH returns about 80us as a response signal
  8. ** Data equivalent to 40 bits (5 bytes) flows continuously **
  9. LOW is flowing
  10. Be high all the time

HIGH / LOW is flowing every moment (in microseconds), and you have to read it (so it's tough for ruby ...).

40-bit reading


Note that it is not simply HIGH = 1 and LOW = 0. After LOW lasts about 50us, it is judged whether HIGH lasts longer than 50us (= 1) or not (= 0) (so it is strict for ruby ...).

Check if HIGH / LOW continued ??? us

For example, if you take Time.now.to_f together when acquiring data, this process will probably take a long time and the data will flow first. For this reason, the data was saved in succession first, and the average number of times that LOW continued after that was saved, and it was judged whether HIGH was above or below the average.

How to use 40 bits

Organize 40 bits into 8-bit bytes,

  1. Humidity upper bite
  2. Humidity lower bite
  3. Temperature upper byte
  4. Temperature lower byte
  5. parity bytes

Divide into.

How to use parity bytes

Humidity upper byte + Humidity lower byte + Temperature upper byte + Temperature lower byte == parity Check with.

Humidity upper byte + Humidity lower byte + Temperature upper byte + Temperature lower byte 00000001 + 00000001 + 00000001 + 00000001 # => 00000100 If the parity is 00000100, it's OK

How to use the upper and lower bytes

For DHT11

Since the precision is low, the lower byte is always 00000000, so you can ignore it. Simply

--Humidity upper byte = Humidity% --Temperature upper byte = Temperature ℃

For DHT22

Both humidity and temperature are expressed in 2 bytes.

Example: 2 bytes of 0000001000001111 (527) assuming that the humidity is 52.7%, which is 52.7% when divided by 10. 2 bytes of 0000000100000111 (263) assuming that the humidity is 26.3 ℃, and dividing this by 10 gives 26.3 ℃

Therefore, the correct value cannot be obtained unless the upper byte is shifted by 8 bits and added to the lower byte.


  humidity = ((humidity_high << 8) + humidity_low) / 10.to_f

Furthermore, only in the case of temperature, minus can be expressed. This depends on whether the high-order bit of temperature starts with 1. Therefore, it is necessary to drop the first bit after confirming whether the first bit is 1.

  is_negative = temp_high & 0b10000000
  temp_high &= 0b01111111

The later calculation is the same as the humidity example above.

Actual data acquisition

Whether or not the data flowing in microseconds can be accurately obtained (whether or not the parity check passes) depends on the degree of processing congestion at that time, so it is not known whether or not data can be reliably obtained each time with one call. .. Therefore, it is necessary to repeatedly execute it multiple times until data can be obtained. In fact, [dht-sensor-ffi] 1 also has [50 tries] 5 by default.


DHTBase class

require "rpi_gpio"
RPi::GPIO.set_numbering :bcm #Specify a pin with a bcm-based number

class DHTBase
  CLEAR_SIGNALS = 500 / 1000.to_f # ms
  START_SIGNAL = 1 / 1000.to_f # ms
  VALID_BYTE_SIZE = 5 # humidity_high, humidity_low, temp_high, temp_low, parity
  ENOUGH_TO_CAPTURE_COUNT = 1000 #Number of times sufficient data can be obtained (about)

  class << self
    def read(pin)
      dht = new(pin)

  def initialize(pin)
    @pin = pin

  def send_start_signal
    RPi::GPIO.setup pin, as: :output
    RPi::GPIO.set_high pin

    RPi::GPIO.set_low pin

  def collect_response_bits
    RPi::GPIO.setup pin, as: :input, pull: :up
    @bits = ENOUGH_TO_CAPTURE_COUNT.times.collect { RPi::GPIO.high?(pin) }



  attr_reader :pin, :bits, :byte_strings

  def release
    RPi::GPIO.clean_up pin

  def break_by_high_or_low
    # HIGH = true
    # LOW = false
    # [false, false, false, ...]
    # [true, true, true, ...]
    #Summarize like
    last_value = :not_yet
    bits.slice_before do |value|
      (last_value != value).tap { |not_same| last_value = value if not_same }

  def break_into_byte_strings
    #For this reason, reverse and true from the bottom/After creating a false array pair
    #Data for 5 bytes is prepared for each 8 bits.

    # ture/False array pair = 0 or 1 bit
    #This is 5 bytes, 40 bits=80 array
    # [false, false, false, ...]
    # [true, true, true, ...]
    # [false, false, false, ...]
    # [true, true, true, ...]
    # [false, false, false, ...]
    # [true, true, true, ...]
    # ...
    # ...
    # ...
    #The end always ends with a continuity of false and a long-term continuity of true, and since it is not data, it is not used.
    # [false, false, false, ...]
    # [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, ...]
    end_part, *low_high_pairs = break_by_high_or_low.reverse.each_slice(2).to_a
    # low_high_pairs = [
    #   ture /false array pair=1 bit
    #1 byte for 8 elements
    #   [
    #     [[true, true ...], [false, false ...]],  1
    #     [[true, true ...], [false, false ...]],  2
    #     [[true, true ...], [false, false ...]],  3
    #     [[true, true ...], [false, false ...]],  4
    #     [[true, true ...], [false, false ...]],  5
    #     [[true, true ...], [false, false ...]],  6
    #     [[true, true ...], [false, false ...]],  7
    #     [[true, true ...], [false, false ...]],  8
    #   ]

    #   ...
    #5 bytes in total
    # ]

    #First true for Response signal/I have a false array but I don't need to read it
    #I'm taking only the last 5
    valid_bytes =
      low_high_pairs.reverse.each_slice(8).to_a.last(VALID_BYTE_SIZE).select do |pair|
        pair.all? { |x| x.is_a?(Array) }

    unless valid_bytes.size == VALID_BYTE_SIZE
      raise "not valid byte set (#{valid_bytes.size}bytes, should be #{

    valid_bytes.each do |byte|
      unless byte.size == BITS_IN_BYTE
        raise "not a byte (#{byte.size}bits, should be #{BITS_IN_BYTE}bits)"

    all_falses = valid_bytes.collect { |byte| byte.collect(&:last) }.flatten(1) #From byte to bitwise array in bytes with flatten
    average_false_count = all_falses.sum(&:size) / all_falses.size.to_f

    #Judge whether it is 1 or 0 by comparing with the number of true elements based on the average number of false consecutives equivalent to 50us.
    @byte_strings =
      valid_bytes.collect do |byte|
        byte.collect { |trues, _| average_false_count <= trues.size ? 1 : 0 }.join

  def bytes
    byte_strings.collect { |x| x.to_i(2) }

  def check_parity!
    humidity_high, humidity_low, temp_high, temp_low, parity = bytes
    unless (humidity_high + humidity_low + temp_high + temp_low) == parity
      raise "parity check failed"

DHT11 class

class DHT11 < DHTBase
  def convert
    humidity_high, _, temp_high, _, _ = bytes

    humidity = humidity_high
    temperature = temp_high #You should not know the negative temperature
    { humidity: humidity, temperature: temperature }

DHT22 class

class DHT22 < DHTBase
  def convert
    humidity_high, humidity_low, temp_high, temp_low, _ = bytes

    is_negative = 0 < (temp_high & 0b10000000)
    temp_high &= 0b01111111

    humidity = ((humidity_high << 8) + humidity_low) / HUMIDITY_PRECISION
    temperature = ((temp_high << 8) + temp_low) / TEMPERATURE_PRECISION
    temperature *= -1 if is_negative
    { humidity: humidity, temperature: temperature }

Execution example

100.times do
    p DHT22.read(4)
  rescue => exception
    p exception
    puts exception.backtrace.first(10).join("\n")
    sleep 0.1

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