Until you start nginx on CentOS using Docker on Mac OS

I would like to proceed with Introduction to nginx practice on Mac OS.

Start CentOS with Docker

Runtime privilege and Linux capabilities F.2.4. / SBIN / INIT Program

$ docker run --detach --name mycentos --privileged centos /sbin/init

Launch a Bash shell inside the container

Run interactive container

$ docker exec -it mycentos bin/bash

YUM repository settings

9.5. YUM and YUM Repository Settings nginx: Linux packages

[root@b626534eeb51 yum.repos.d]# vi nginx.repo


name=nginx repo

Install and launch nginx

[root@b626534eeb51]# yum install nginx
[root@b626534eeb51]# nginx

[root@b626534eeb51]# systemctl enable nginx.service
[root@b626534eeb51]# systemctl start nginx.service
[root@b626534eeb51]# curl localhost

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