When deleting a record with MySQL workbench, javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException occurs


Spring Boot 2.4.0 java 1.8 thymeleaf 3.0.11 Spring Security 2.4.0 MySQL 8.0.22


I deleted the record that I thought "I don't want" in MySQL Workbench. You deleted it with Delete row.

Then I couldn't log in to the system.

It's a record that has nothing to do with the login I was trying to separate.

It's okay if you put it back again, but since there is AutoIncrement,

  1. Remove AutoIncrement
  2. Insert to specify id
  3. Turn on Auto Increment

You can't get it back unless you do something annoying.

I did it before, but I didn't know the solution and couldn't move forward, so for the time being it was annoying, but I did the above method.

But I thought it was unnecessary afterwards, so when I tried to delete it, "See you again ..."

There may be more, so I did a little research.


https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46612968/hibernate-unable-to-find-entity-with-id I referred to this.

@NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE)

Apparently I should add this.

where? !!

@ManyToOne (below)


Supplier {
  //Field omitted

Wedding {
  //Field omitted
  @ManyToOne //← It looks like I'm looking for a record that I erased ...
  private Supplier supplier;

After change

Wedding {
  //Field omitted
  @NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE) //← Thanks to this, it seems to ignore me
  private Supplier supplier;


Still do not know. Why are you looking for the ID of the record you should have deleted? Do you remember it? Where is it stored?

I don't understand.

But it may have been saved somewhere. Is it Hibernate? ??

I don't really understand Spring Boot, but I want to understand it while using it! !!

For the time being, I hope it will be helpful for those who cannot move forward due to the same error.

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