Specify options when running flake8 with flycheck


You can use flycheck to run various checkers on Emacs with very little configuration, for example python code [flake8](http: //: //). I check it with flake8.readthedocs.io /), and in a specific project, I may want to skip the check of pep8, so I will summarize the setting method.

Configuration file search order

Controlled by flycheck-locate-config-file-functions

  1. The directory where the source to be checked is located
  2. Ancestor directory
  3. Home directory

It is searched in the order of.

Configuration file name

In the case of flake8, the file name of the value of flycheck-flake8rc is searched. The default value is ".flake8rc"

Setting Example

If you want to skip all but checking for pep8 runtime errors (E9 *) in that project and just check for pyflakes (F *), create a file called .flake8rc in the root directory of the project source with the following content: Good (hits in the "ancestor directory" written in the search order)

select = E9,F

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