Solve AtCoder 167 with python

I could only solve up to D in time. .. .. After that, I googled and referred to other people's codes and completed the race to F.

A Compare the part of the string T excluding the last character with S.

# A

S = input()
T = input()
T = T[:len(S)]
print('Yes' if T == S else 'No')

B Take as many A cards as you can, then B as many as you can, and C if you still can't reach K.

# B

A, B, C, K = list(map(int, input().split()))

score = 0
if K <= A:
    score = K

score += A
K -= A
if K <= B:

K -= B
print(score - K)

C Since the maximum number of patterns is $ 2 ^ {12} = 4096 $, it is enough time to check all patterns with python. Very crazy code.

# C

N, M, X = list(map(int, input().split()))
CAs = [list(map(int, input().split())) for i in range(N)]

import numpy as np
Cs = np.array([ca[0] for ca in CAs])
As = [np.array(ca[1:]) for ca in CAs]

import itertools
states = list(itertools.product([True, False], repeat=N))

def compute(state):
    arr = np.array([0] * M)
    for i in range(N):
        arr += As[i] * state[i]
    price = (Cs * state).sum() if ((arr >= X).sum() == M) else -1
    return price

res = np.array(list(map(compute, states)))
res = res[res > 0]
print(min(res) if len(res) > 0 else -1)

D There is always a loop, so check the size of the loop and subtract the appropriate amount from the number of times you use the teleporter $ K $. This proper deduction took a long time and I couldn't get into the E problem. .. ..

# D

N, K = list(map(int, input().split()))
As = list(map(int, input().split()))

def compute(city, K):
    for i in range(K):
        city = As[city-1]

cities_visited = [False] * N
i = 0
city = 1
city_visited_time = {}

while not cities_visited[city - 1]:
    cities_visited[city - 1] = True
    city_visited_time[city-1] = i
    city = As[city-1]
    i += 1

loop_start = city_visited_time[city-1]
loop_end = i

div = (K - loop_start) // (loop_end - loop_start)
if K - loop_start < 0 or div == 0:
    compute(1, K)
    compute(city, K - loop_start - div * (loop_end - loop_start))

E The objective function is as follows.

\sum_{n=0}^K M (M-1) ^{N-1-n} {}_{N-1} C _n

$ n $ is the number of adjacent pairs of blocks of the same color. For example, if $ n = 0 $, the colors of all adjacent blocks will be different. In that case, the leftmost block can be freely selected according to $ M $, and the right one must be selected differently from the left, so $ M-1 $ can be selected. When it is 0 $, it becomes $ M (M-1) ^ {N-1} $. When $ n = 1 $, if one set is considered together, it can be calculated in the same way as when $ n = 0 $ is considered for $ N-1 $ blocks.

If the objective function is calculated as it is, it becomes TLE or MLE. Therefore, I use Fermat's little theorem as a technique (reference link).

# E

N, M, K = list(map(int, input().split()))
p = 998244353

comb = 1
res = 0
for n in range(K+1):
    res = (res + comb * M * pow(M-1, N-1-n, p)) % p
    comb = (comb * (N -1 -n) * pow(n + 1, p - 2, p)) % p

F As the explanation is as it is, please watch the explanation video. .. .. Replace (,) with each ± number and record the sum and minimum of each query. What to think about

--Whether the sum of all positive sums is equal to the sum of all negative sums -Whether it does not exceed 0 on the way

The latter is, for example, ())) ((A query like (the sum is +1 but the minimum value is -2", so you can't create a parenthesis string without two or more (to the left).

# F

N = int(input())

list_plus = []
list_minus = []
for i in range(N):
    S = input()
    state = 0
    min_state = 0
    for s in S:
        if s == '(':
            state += 1
            state -= 1
        min_state = min(min_state, state)
    if state > 0:
        list_plus.append((min_state, state))
        list_minus.append((min_state - state, -state))

def compute(arr):
    total_state = 0
    for min_state, state in arr[::-1]:
        if total_state + min_state < 0:
        total_state += state
    return total_state

total_state_plus = compute(list_plus)
total_state_minus = compute(list_minus)

print('Yes' if total_state_plus == total_state_minus else 'No')


In the code of the F problem, append ((min_state, state)) was used, but append ([min_state, state]) resulted in TLE. There was a description of this in Chapter 3 of High Performance Python, but it was a good opportunity to realize that the speed will change considerably.

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