[RUBY] Learn Digdag from Digdag official documentation-Operators ① Workflow control operators


Translation of Operators of the document of Digdag's official website + α The final goal is to create a batch in Rails using Digdag's Ruby http://docs.digdag.io/operators/workflow_control.html

table of contents

Getting started Architecture Concepts Workflow definition Scheduling workflow Operators Command reference Language API -Ruby Change the setting value for each environment with Digdag (RubyOnRails) Batch implementation in RubyOnRails environment using Digdag


Workflow control operators call>: Call another workflow


timezone: Asia/Tokyo

  call>: another_workflow.dig
  call>: common/shared_workflow.dig


    sh>: echo hi! another_workflow.dig


    sh>: echo hi! ./common/shared_workflow.dig


$ digdag run workflow1.dig --rerun
2020-07-12 13:38:54 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+step1): call>: another_workflow.dig
2020-07-12 13:38:54 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+step1^sub+step1): sh>: echo hi! another_workflow.dig
hi! another_workflow.dig
2020-07-12 13:38:54 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+step2): call>: common/shared_workflow.dig
2020-07-12 13:38:55 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+step2^sub+step1): sh>: echo hi! ./common/shared_workflow.dig
hi! ./common/shared_workflow.dig

call>: FILE FILE contains the path to the workflow definition file. The file name must end with .dig. If the called workflow is in a subdirectory, the workflow uses the subdirectory as the working directory. Example) `call>: common / called_workflow.dig``` is defined in the task. If you refer to the ``` queries / data.sql``` file in the called workflow, refer to it with `../queries/data.sql```.

call>: another_workfloww.dig

http_call>: Call workflow fetched by HTTP http_call>The operator creates an http request, parses the response body as a workflow and embeds it as a subtask. call>Similar to an operator. The difference is that another workflow is fetched from http.

This operator parses the response body based on the returned Content-Type header. The Content-Type must be set and the following values are supported:

Parse the response as JSON.

#### **`Use the returned body as is.`**

 If the appropriate Content-Type header is not returned, use the content_type_override option.

 content_type_override: Overrides the Content-Type response header returned by the server. This option is useful if the server does not return the proper Content-Type, but returns common values such as `` `text / plain``` and ```application / octet-stream```.

http_call>: https://api.example.com/foobar content_type_override: application/x-yaml

 **require>: Depends on another workflow**
```require>```The operator requests the completion of another workflow.
 This operator is similar to the `` `call> ``` operator, but this operator will not start any other workflow if it is already running or running at the same session time for this workflow. ..
 If the workflow is running or newly started, this operator waits for the workflow to complete. In addition, the require operator can start the workflow for another project.

#### **`workflow1.dig`**

  require>: another_workflow


  sh>: echo step2

Execution result

$ digdag run workflow1.dig --rerun
2020-07-12 14:55:34 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+step1): require>: another_workflow
2020-07-12 14:55:34 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+step1): Starting a new session project id=1 workflow name=another_workflow session_time=2020-07-11T15:00:00+00:00
2020-07-12 14:55:34 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+another_workflow+step2): sh>: echo step2

Optionsproject_id: project_idproject_name: project_name project_idOrproject_nameYou can start the workflow of another project by setting. If the project does not exist, the task will fail. project_id and project_If you set both names, the task will fail.


project_id: 12345
require>: another_project_wf
project_name: another_project

rerun_on: none, failed, all (default: none) If there are dependent workflow attempts, `rerun_on``` will control whether ``` require> is actually started. none: Do not start the workflow if an attempt already exists. failed: If an attempt exists and the result is unsuccessful, start the workflow. all: ``` require> `` Starts the workflow regardless of the result of the attempt.

ignore_failure:BOOLEAN This operator will fail if the dependent workflow ends with an error by default. However, if ignore_failure: true is set, this operator will succeed even if the workflow ends with an error.

require>: another_workflow
ignore_failure: true

params:MAP This operator passes the parameters to the workflow set to require. It will not be passed to another workflow.


  require>: another_workflow
    param_name1: hello


  sh>: echo step2:${param_name1}

Execution result

$ digdag run workflow1.dig --rerun
2020-07-12 15:19:34 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+step1): require>: another_workflow
2020-07-12 15:19:34 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+step1): Starting a new session project id=1 workflow name=another_workflow session_time=2020-07-11T15:00:00+00:00
2020-07-12 15:19:34 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+another_workflow+step2): sh>: echo step2:hello

loop>: Repeat tasks The loop> operator runs the subtask multiple times.

This operator exports the $ {i} variable for the subtask. Its value starts at 0. For example, if count is 3, the task runs at i = 0, i = 1, and i = 2.


  loop>: 7
      echo>: ${moment(session_time).add(i, 'days')} is ${i} days later than ${session_date}
      echo>: ${moment(session_time).add(i, 'hours')} is ${i} hours later than ${session_local_time}.


$ digdag run workflow1.dig --rerun

2020-07-12 16:19:04 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat): loop>: 7
2020-07-12 16:19:05 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-0+step1): echo>: "2020-07-11T15:00:00.000Z" is 0 days later than 2020-07-11
"2020-07-11T15:00:00.000Z" is 0 days later than 2020-07-11
2020-07-12 16:19:06 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-0+step2): echo>: "2020-07-11T15:00:00.000Z" is 0 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.
"2020-07-11T15:00:00.000Z" is 0 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.
2020-07-12 16:19:06 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-1+step1): echo>: "2020-07-12T15:00:00.000Z" is 1 days later than 2020-07-11
"2020-07-12T15:00:00.000Z" is 1 days later than 2020-07-11
2020-07-12 16:19:07 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-1+step2): echo>: "2020-07-11T16:00:00.000Z" is 1 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.
"2020-07-11T16:00:00.000Z" is 1 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.
2020-07-12 16:19:07 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-2+step1): echo>: "2020-07-13T15:00:00.000Z" is 2 days later than 2020-07-11
"2020-07-13T15:00:00.000Z" is 2 days later than 2020-07-11
2020-07-12 16:19:07 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-2+step2): echo>: "2020-07-11T17:00:00.000Z" is 2 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.
"2020-07-11T17:00:00.000Z" is 2 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.
2020-07-12 16:19:08 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-3+step1): echo>: "2020-07-14T15:00:00.000Z" is 3 days later than 2020-07-11
"2020-07-14T15:00:00.000Z" is 3 days later than 2020-07-11
2020-07-12 16:19:08 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-3+step2): echo>: "2020-07-11T18:00:00.000Z" is 3 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.
"2020-07-11T18:00:00.000Z" is 3 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.
2020-07-12 16:19:08 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-4+step1): echo>: "2020-07-15T15:00:00.000Z" is 4 days later than 2020-07-11
"2020-07-15T15:00:00.000Z" is 4 days later than 2020-07-11
2020-07-12 16:19:09 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-4+step2): echo>: "2020-07-11T19:00:00.000Z" is 4 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.
"2020-07-11T19:00:00.000Z" is 4 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.
2020-07-12 16:19:09 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-5+step1): echo>: "2020-07-16T15:00:00.000Z" is 5 days later than 2020-07-11
"2020-07-16T15:00:00.000Z" is 5 days later than 2020-07-11
2020-07-12 16:19:09 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-5+step2): echo>: "2020-07-11T20:00:00.000Z" is 5 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.
"2020-07-11T20:00:00.000Z" is 5 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.
2020-07-12 16:19:10 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-6+step1): echo>: "2020-07-17T15:00:00.000Z" is 6 days later than 2020-07-11
"2020-07-17T15:00:00.000Z" is 6 days later than 2020-07-11
2020-07-12 16:19:10 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+loop-6+step2): echo>: "2020-07-11T21:00:00.000Z" is 6 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.
"2020-07-11T21:00:00.000Z" is 6 hours later than 2020-07-11 15:00:00.

Options_parallel:BOOLEAN Run tasks in parallel


 ■ `` `_do: TASKS```: Tasks performed in a loop

 **for_each>: Repeat tasks for values**
```for_each>```Operators use variable sets to perform multiple subtasks

#### **`workflow1.rb`**

    fruit: [apple, orange]
    verb: [eat, throw]
    echo>: ${verb} ${fruit}


$ digdag run workflow1.dig --rerun
2020-07-12 16:27:00 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat): for_each>: {fruit=[apple, orange], verb=[eat, throw]}
2020-07-12 16:27:01 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+for-0=fruit=0=apple&1=verb=0=eat): echo>: eat apple
eat apple
2020-07-12 16:27:01 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+for-0=fruit=0=apple&1=verb=1=throw): echo>: throw apple
throw apple
2020-07-12 16:27:01 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+for-0=fruit=1=orange&1=verb=0=eat): echo>: eat orange
eat orange
2020-07-12 16:27:02 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+for-0=fruit=1=orange&1=verb=1=throw): echo>: throw orange
throw orange

Optionsfor_each>: VARIABLES Variables used in key loops: [value, value, ...] syntax. Variables can be objects or JSON strings.

Example 1

for_each>: {i: [1, 2, 3]}

Example 2

for_each>: {i: '[1, 2, 3]'}

_parallel:BOOLEAN Execute in parallel after iterative task

_do:TASKS Task to be performed

for_range>: Repeat tasks for a range for_range>The operator uses a set of variables to perform subtasks multiple times.

This operator exports the subtasks ``` $ {range.from} ``, $ {range.to} , and` `$ {range.index}` variables. .. The index starts at 0.


    from: 10
    to: 50
    step: 10
    echo>: processing from ${range.from} to ${range.to}.


$ digdag run workflow1.dig --rerun
2020-07-12 16:47:17 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat): for_range>: {from=10, to=50, step=10}
2020-07-12 16:47:18 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+range-from=10&to=20): echo>: processing from 10 to 20.
processing from 10 to 20.
2020-07-12 16:47:18 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+range-from=20&to=30): echo>: processing from 20 to 30.
processing from 20 to 30.
2020-07-12 16:47:18 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+range-from=30&to=40): echo>: processing from 30 to 40.
processing from 30 to 40.
2020-07-12 16:47:19 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+repeat^sub+range-from=40&to=50): echo>: processing from 40 to 50.
processing from 40 to 50.

Optionsfor_range>: slices: Execute by dividing the iteration by the number specified by slices

  from: 0
  to: 10
  slices: 3
  # this repeats tasks for 3 times (size of a slice is computed automatically):
  #  * {range.from: 0, range.to: 4, range.index: 0}
  #  * {range.from: 4, range.to: 8, range.index: 1}
  #  * {range.from: 8, range.to: 10, range.index: 2}
  echo>: from ${range.from} to ${range.to}

_parallel:BOOLEAN Execute in parallel after iterative task

_do:TASKS Task to be performed

if>: Conditional execution For ture, execute the subtask of _do If false, execute the subtask of _else_do


  if>: ${param}
    echo>: ${param} == true
    echo>: ${param} == false


$ digdag run workflow1.dig --rerun -p param=true
2020-07-12 17:01:32 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+run_if_param_is_false): if>: true
2020-07-12 17:01:33 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+run_if_param_is_false^sub): echo>: true == true
true == true


$ digdag run workflow1.dig --rerun -p param=false
2020-07-12 17:01:14 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+run_if_param_is_false): if>: false
2020-07-12 17:01:15 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+run_if_param_is_false^sub): echo>: false == false
false == false

fail>: Makes the workflow failed Executed if verification fails

  if>: ${count < 10}
    fail>: count is less than 10!


$ digdag run workflow1.dig --rerun -p count=11
2020-07-12 17:05:52 +0900: Digdag v0.9.41
2020-07-12 17:05:54 +0900 [WARN](main): Reusing the last session time 2020-07-11T15:00:00+00:00.
2020-07-12 17:05:54 +0900 [INFO](main): Using session /Users/akira/Desktop/ruby/sample/workflows/.digdag/status/20200711T150000+0000.
2020-07-12 17:05:54 +0900 [INFO](main): Starting a new session project id=1 workflow name=workflow1 session_time=2020-07-11T15:00:00+00:00
2020-07-12 17:05:55 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+fail_if_too_few): if>: false


$ digdag run workflow1.dig --rerun -p count=9
2020-07-12 17:05:46 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+fail_if_too_few): if>: true
2020-07-12 17:05:47 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+fail_if_too_few^sub): fail>: count is less than 10!
2020-07-12 17:05:47 +0900 [ERROR](0017@[0:default]+workflow1+fail_if_too_few^sub): Task +workflow1+fail_if_too_few^sub failed.
count is less than 10!
2020-07-12 17:05:47 +0900 [INFO](0017@[0:default]+workflow1^failure-alert): type: notify
  * +workflow1+fail_if_too_few^sub:
    count is less than 10!

echo>: Shows a message Message output

  echo>: Hello world!

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