Last time About Verilog-HDL implementation of Float calculation circuit-Part 1
4/26 Added simulation results 5/17 Fixed a negative number bug
Is 32bit float (single) the correct value? Create a tool to convert between float value and hexadecimal notation value
use cgo
Let's get the internal representation of floating point numbers
Code created this time
package main
union {float f; unsigned i;} uv;
int f2b(float inp) {
uv.f = inp;
return uv.i;
float b2f(unsigned inp) {
uv.i = inp;
return uv.f;
import "C"
import (
func main() {
if os.Args[1] == "f" {
fmt.Println("float -> hx")
fv, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(os.Args[2], 32)
} else if os.Args[1] == "h" {
fmt.Println("hx -> float")
hv, _ := strconv.ParseUint(os.Args[2], 16, 32)
func h2f(inp uint) {
float := float32(C.b2f(_Ctype_uint(inp)))
func f2h(inp float32) {
bits := int(C.f2b(_Ctype_float(inp)))
fmt.Printf("Hex:%08X\n", bits)
fmt.Printf("Exp:%02X\n", bits >> 23 & 0xFF)
fmt.Printf("Fra:%X\n", bits & 0x7FFFFF)
Converting values in a union
I don't do anything special, so I think it can be implemented in C as well. (Rather, can it be implemented only with Go?)
$ go run check.go f 7.25
float -> hx
Exp bias value 127 is 7F The value of the exponent part is 81, which is +2.
Also, since 680000 = 110 1000 0 0 0 0 You can see that 7.25 = 111.01 = 680000 x 2 ^ 2
$ go run check.go h 40E80000
hx -> float
You can see that it can be returned correctly
7.25 + 11.625
7.25 + 11.625 = 18.875 \\
-> 40E8\_0000 + 413A\_0000 = 4197\_0000\\
It looks like it's right
12.345 + 3.1415926
12.345 + 3.1415926 = 15.4865926\\
-> 4145\_851F + 4049\_0FDA = 4177\_C915
It looks like it's right