[JAVA] Setting maintenance when installing Eclipse

Intellij idea is popular these days, For some reason Eclipse is free and has all the features I use a lot, so I summarized the settings to quickly create an Eclipse environment that is easy to develop personally (Scheduled to be added sequentially)

Eclipse to use

Pleiades All in One 4.6.3.v20170422(Eclipse Neon 3) Standard Edition(Java)

Eclipse settings after installation

Execution Java change

--Settings> Java> Installed JRE: Add jdk and check it. If JRE is set, it will be erased

Code style compliant with Google (indent with 4 spaces)

--Settings> Java> Code Style> Formatter: Import → [eclipse-java-google-style.xml](https://github.com/google/styleguide/blob/gh-pages/eclipse-java-google-style .xml) --Settings> Java> Code Style> Formatter: Edit → Change to Indent Size 4

Make Eclipse black (man dyed black)

--Settings> General> Appearance: Change look and feel to MoonRise --Settings> General> Appearance> Colors and Themes: Insert Rainbow Drops from [Import Theme]

Font settings

--Settings> General> Appearance> Colors and Fonts: Change to your favorite font and size with default edits --Settings> General> Appearance> Colors and Fonts: Basic> Change Dialog Font to Meiryo UI --Settings> General> Workspace: Change line delimiter to [Unix] for new text file --Settings> General> Editor> Text Editor: Check Show whitespace (In visibility configuration, uncheck whitespace)


--Help> Marketplace: Install Vrapper (Vim extension)

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