Suspend Thread on Linux (corrected version at the bottom of the article)

Since there was no Suspend Thread-like API on Linux, try suspend / resume the thread by force with mutex.

For the time being, I've implemented it twice, but I've pointed out that I don't have much knowledge about the API implementation of the OS, and I've been eating it twice, so I'm crazy about it, so will I be honest for the third time or will it happen twice?

Summary of points to be pointed out so far

Points from @drab

  1. You can use "pthread_cond_wait" or "fifo or message queue".
  2. Using pthread_cond_wait in code that does something with a keystroke event is likely out

Points to be pointed out by @ angel_p_57

  1. Absolutely do not release mutex from other threads.
  2. There is a misunderstanding about how to use pthread_cond_ * (it is NG to use it just to wait for such an event!)

Based on these points, what I wanted to do in the first place.

When implementing message processing or something like that When you want to process the queued messages continuously after putting them in the queue (in short, asynchronous processing such as sending to the NW side).

I want to suspend a thread at a specific point because it is a waste of resources that loops wastefully when there is no message. In short, I want to wait for the event.

Compare what you pointed out with what you want to do

Pointed out: Using pthread_cond_wait in code that does something with a keystroke event is likely to be out. What I want to do: I want to wait for an event.


~~ A memo to pause using Mutex in such a case. ~~

~~ ** 2017/04/17 I wrote it with the correct implementation method according to the pointed out matter. (See the bottom of the article) ** ~~ ** 2017/04/21 Corrected again **

Uncode full of mistakes that I wrote at the beginning

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

//Put a string on the console
int consoleWrite(const char *fmt, ...)
    va_list list;
    va_start(list, fmt);
    int writed = vprintf(fmt, list);
    return writed;

//Accept strings from the keyboard
size_t input(char *buf, size_t bufLen)
#define GabageBufSize 0x100
    uint8_t bin[GabageBufSize];
    char *savePtr = NULL;
    char *token = NULL;
    static_assert(sizeof(bin) == GabageBufSize, "Gabage buffer size not 255");

    fgets(buf, bufLen, stdin);
    token = strchr(buf, '\n');
    if (token != NULL)
        *token = '\0';
        buf[bufLen - 1] = '\0';
        while (token == NULL)
            fgets(bin, GabageBufSize, stdin);
            token = strchr(bin, '\n');
            if (token != NULL)
    return strlen(buf);

//This is a bad implementation
void suspend(pthread_mutex_t* lock)
//If it has never been locked, it will be locked here

void *messageSender(void *lock)
    int count = 1;
    while (true)
        if ((count % 3) == 0)
            //Here, wait until the event occurs.

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    pthread_t tid;
    pthread_mutex_t lock;
    char buf[32];
    pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL);
    pthread_create(&tid, NULL, messageSender, &lock);
    while (true)
        input(buf, 32);
        pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); //Unlock operation is not guaranteed from other threads.
    pthread_join(tid, NULL);

~~ When data comes into the queue, use the callback and hit pthread_mutex_unlock ~~ Unlocking the ~~ Mutex object restarts the thread. ~~ ~~ In the above demo, the part where the data is stored in the queue is replaced with the input from the keyboard. ~~

~~ I implemented it as long as I could do it without thinking about performance, so ~~ ~~ If you have any other good ideas, please do. ~~ I will write an example using pthread_cond_wait in another post at a later date.

Even more wrong implementation from here

Reference: Section: Man page C Library Functions (3) PTHREAD_COND

  1. pthread_cond_wait takes cond (= condition: condition variable) and mutex as arguments
  2. The mutex object passed to pthread_cond_wait must be locked
  3. Threads stopped by pthread_cond_wait are restarted by pthread_cond_signal
//Correction difference only

typedef struct Suspend
    pthread_mutex_t lockMutex;
    pthread_cond_t lockCond;
} Suspend;

void suspend(Suspend *lock)
//Wrong usage

void SuspendInit(Suspend *lock)
    pthread_cond_init(&lock->lockCond, NULL);
    pthread_mutex_init(&lock->lockMutex, NULL);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    pthread_t tid;
    Suspend lock;
    char buf[32];

    pthread_create(&tid, NULL, messageSender, &lock);
    while (true)
        input(buf, 32);
    pthread_join(tid, NULL);

~~ First of all, I feel that I have fixed the points pointed out. ~~

I feel like I was able to fix it ← It was because of my mind. Reimplemented with pipe (renamed from Suspend stuff to EventInfo stuff)

typedef struct EventInfo
    int state;
    int read;
    int write;
    pthread_mutex_t mutex;
} EventInfo;

#define EventInfo_WAIT_BUSY 0
#define EventInfo_WAIT_READY 1

//Wait until the event occurs
void EventInfoWait(EventInfo *lock)
    uint8_t msg;
    lock->state = EventInfo_WAIT_READY;
    int r = read(lock->read, &msg, sizeof(uint8_t));

//do nothing
void EventInfoRaisingEvent_None(EventInfo *lock)
//Only notify.
void EventInfoRaisingEvent_Send(EventInfo *lock)
    static uint8_t msg = 0xdeadbeef;
    write(lock->write, &msg, sizeof(uint8_t));
//Raise an event
void EventInfoRaisingEvent(EventInfo *lock)
    static void (*EventInfoWakeupSendMessage[2])(EventInfo * lock) =
    lock->state = EventInfo_WAIT_BUSY;

void *messageSender(void *lock)
    int count = 1;
    while (true)
        if ((count % 3) == 0)
            //Here, wait until the event occurs.
            EventInfoWait((EventInfo *)lock);

int EventInfoInit(EventInfo *lock)
    int pfd[2];
    int r = pipe(pfd);
    if (r != 0)
        return -1;
    lock->state = EventInfo_WAIT_BUSY;
    fcntl(pfd[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
    lock->read = pfd[0];
    lock->write = pfd[1];
    pthread_mutex_init(&lock->mutex, NULL);
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    pthread_t tid;
    EventInfo lock;
    char buf[32];

    pthread_create(&tid, NULL, messageSender, &lock);
    while (true)
        input(buf, 32);
    pthread_join(tid, NULL);
    return 0;

Fix, maybe this should be okay as it will achieve the original purpose.

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