I learned quicksort last time. The concern was what to do because there are many large and small comparisons. http://qiita.com/cof/items/7b94aac6794d12ae020f
It's faster to completely digitize it once, quickly sort it, and replace it with FizzBuzz later, but as a practice of operator overloading, I created a class that associates FizzBuzz with numbers. reference: http://docs.python.jp/2/reference/datamodel.html#customization
A code that performs an operation on a numerical value (value) associated with a character string (key) and returns a character string or the like corresponding to the resulting key.
def fizzbuzz(n):
if (n%15) == 0: return 'FizzBuzz'
elif (n%5) == 0: return 'Buzz'
elif (n%3) == 0: return 'Fizz'
else: return n
class FizzBuzzNumber:
def __init__(self, value):
self.key = fizzbuzz(value)
self.value = value
def __call__(self):
return self.key
def __add__(self, other) :
return fizzbuzz(self.value + other.value)
def __sub__(self, other):
return fizzbuzz(self.value - other.value)
def __mul__(self, other):
return fizzbuzz(self.value * other.value)
def __div__(self, other):
return fizzbuzz(self.value // other.value)
def __mod__(self, other):
return fizzbuzz(self.value % other.value)
def __pow__(self, other):
return fizzbuzz(self.value ** other.value)
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.value, other.value)
def __lt__(self, other):
return cmp(self.value, other.value) == -1
def __le__(self, other):
return cmp(self.value, other.value) in (-1, 0)
def __eq__(self, other):
return cmp(self.value, other.value) == 0
def __ne__(self, other):
return cmp(self.value, other.value) != 0
def __gt__(self, other):
return cmp(self.value, other.value) == 1
def __ge__(self, other):
return cmp(self.value, other.value) in (1, 0)
def __iadd__(self, other) :
self.value += other.value
self.key = fizzbuzz(self.value)
return self
def __isub__(self, other) :
self.value -= other.value
self.key = fizzbuzz(self.value)
return self
def __imul__(self, other) :
self.value *= other.value
self.key = fizzbuzz(self.value)
return self
def __imod__(self, other) :
self.value %= other.value
self.key = fizzbuzz(self.value)
return self
def __idiv__(self, other) :
self.value /= other.value
self.key = fizzbuzz(self.value)
return self
def __ipow__(self, other) :
self.value **= other.value
self.key = fizzbuzz(self.value)
return self
When you execute the code below,
fizz = FizzBuzzNumber(3)
buzz = FizzBuzzNumber(5)
print 'fizz + buzz = ', fizz + buzz
print 'fizz - buzz = ', fizz - buzz
print 'fizz * buzz = ', fizz * buzz
print 'fizz / buzz = ', fizz / buzz
print 'fizz % buzz = ', fizz % buzz
print 'fizz ** buzz = ', fizz ** buzz
print 'fizz > buzz: ', fizz > buzz
print 'fizz < buzz: ', fizz < buzz
print 'fizz == buzz: ', fizz == buzz
print 'fizz != buzz: ', fizz != buzz
print 'fizz <= buzz: ', fizz <= buzz
print 'fizz >= buzz: ', fizz >= buzz
print 'fizz():', fizz()
fizz += buzz
print 'fizz += buzz => fizz() = ' , fizz()
fizz -= buzz
print 'fizz -= buzz => fizz() = ' , fizz()
fizz *= buzz
print 'fizz *= buzz => fizz() = ' , fizz()
fizz /= buzz
print 'fizz /= buzz => fizz() = ' , fizz()
fizz %= buzz
print 'fizz %= buzz => fizz() = ', fizz()
fizz **= buzz
print 'fizz **= buzz => fizz() = ', fizz()
The following result is output.
fizz + buzz = 8
fizz - buzz = -2
fizz * buzz = FizzBuzz
fizz / buzz = FizzBuzz
fizz % buzz = Fizz
fizz ** buzz = Fizz
fizz > buzz = False
fizz < buzz = True
fizz == buzz: False
fizz != buzz: True
fizz <= buzz: True
fizz >= buzz: False
fizz(): Fizz
fizz += buzz => fizz() = 8
fizz -= buzz => fizz() = Fizz
fizz *= buzz => fizz() = FizzBuzz
fizz /= buzz => fizz() = Fizz
fizz %= buzz => fizz() = Fizz
fizz **= buzz => fizz() = Fizz
After that, I made a class to quantify FizzBuzz that appeared in a random column.
class FizzBuzzCounter:
def __init__(self, f_start, b_start, fb_start):
self.f = f_start
self.b = b_start
self.fb = fb_start
def get_value(self, s):
if s == 'FizzBuzz':
return self.fb
elif s == 'Buzz':
return self.b
elif s == 'Fizz':
return self.f
return s
def next(self, s):
if s == 'FizzBuzz':
self.fb += 15
elif s == 'Buzz':
if (self.b % 15) == 10:
self.b += 10
self.b += 5
elif s == 'Fizz':
if (self.f % 15) == 12:
self.f += 6
self.f += 3
Using the above two classes, I created a function that creates a column by replacing the elements of the given FizzBuzz column with an instance of the FizzBuzzNumber class.
def recreate_fizzbuzz_seq(seq):
counter = FizzBuzzCounter(3,5,15)
ret = []
for e in seq:
return ret
After that, just give the above new column to the quicksort function created last time.
def pivot(target, i, j):
k = i + 1
while k <= j and target[i] == target[k]: k += 1
if k > j: return -1
if target[i] >= target[k]:
return i
return k
def partition(target, i, j, x):
l, r = i, j
while l <= r:
while l <= j and target[l] < x: l += 1
while r >= i and target[r] >= x: r -= 1
if l > r: break
target[l], target[r] = target[r], target[l]
l, r = l + 1, r - 1
return l
def quick_sort(target,i ,j):
if i == j: return
p = pivot(target, i, j)
if p != -1:
k = partition(target, i, j, target[p])
quick_sort(target, i, k-1)
quick_sort(target, k, j)
def make_random_fizzbuzz(start=1,finish=100):
seq = range(start,finish+1)
random_fizzbuzz = []
while seq:
return random_fizzbuzz
A function that gives a given FizzBuzz column to recreate_fizzbuzz_seq () to create a new column and give the new column to quicksort
def fizzbuzz_sort(target):
newtarget = recreate_fizzbuzz_seq(target)
return newtarget
Start as follows.
I'm doing such a silly thing. Also, I think it would have been better for a new instance of FizzBuzzNumber to return __add__ ()
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