Recent Macbook pros are equipped with Touchbar and new peripherals are introduced. There are many cases where the keyboard and touchpad cannot be used after starting Linux. Furthermore, the fan does not work, so the computer gets hot. However, the contributions of many developers are solving such problems. I hope it helps if the same thing happens to my friends and colleagues. By the way, this is my first post, so if you have any small mistakes or improvements, please comment.
Use the following Git Hub repository.
git clone
Then check the kernel version. Kali Linux ver2020.2 is * 5.3 *. If the kernel is * 4.11 * or less, * intremap = nosid * when booting, You need to make sure that * noapi * is not in the kernel options.
Next, add the spi to be included in the file system image ** / etc / initramfs-tools / module. Then put in kernel module support called dkms and install Apple peripherals.
echo -e "\n# applespi\napplespi\nspi_pxa2xx_platform\nintel_lpss_pci" >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
apt install dkms
git clone /usr/src/applespi-0.1
dkms install -m applespi -v 0.1
With the above actions, you can now do the following.
-Keyboard typing -TouchBar (Press Fn to use Fn key) -Basic touchpad function (2,3,4 finger scrolling)
First, check if there are modules called applesmc and coretemp.
lsmod | grep -e applesmc -e coretemp
If it does not exist, add the following to ** / etc / modules / **.
Then use the following Git Hub repository.
git clone
Then go into the repository and
make && sudo make install
sudo make tests
Enter the management file ** /etc/mbpfan.conf ** You can buy the fan speed and reaction temperature moderately.
** Caution **: Since the macbook has two fans, add the left and right information to min_fan1 and min_fan2 respectively.
min_fan1_speed = 4500
min_fan2_speed = 4500
max_fan1_speed = 5500
max_fan2_speed = 5500
low_temp = 63 # try ranges 55-63, default is 63
high_temp = 66 # try ranges 58-66, default is 66
max_temp = 86
polling_interval = 1 # default is 1 seconds
Normally, the fan speed is 2000 rpm, but I wanted to cool it, so I increased it to 4500 rpm. Also, max_fan * sometimes suddenly reaches max_temp, so I thought 6200 was bad for fans, so I lowered it.
Renamed mbpfan.debian to mbpfan to run mbpfan at boot time
sudo update-rc.d mbpfan defaults
And run
The executable file is located in ** / usr / sbin / mbpfan **.
This is the end of fan management.
I used the module from the official website below.
Add Devian's official repository to ** /etc/apt/sources.list **.
deb buster-backports main
deb stretch-backports-sloppy main
apt update && apt install tlp tlp-rdw
systemctl start tlp
In the default state, WiFi does not arrive.
Reference: What are the benefits of lowering Wi-Fi output?
So I reduced the WiFi output.
iwconfig wlan0 txpower 10
wlan0 IEEE 802.11 ESSID:"router-xxx"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.422 GHz Access Point: xx:xx:xx:xx
Bit Rate=72.2 Mb/s Tx-Power=10 dBm
Retry short limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Encryption key:off
Power Management:off
Link Quality=31/70 Signal level=-79 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:64 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
You can now connect to WiFi even if you are a little far away!