In gunicorn (> = 19.2), use max_requests_jitter along with max_requests

What are max_requests?

If you specify the max_requests parameter of gunicorn, each worker process automatically restarts the process when it handles max_requests number of requests. It will start up. This avoids memory leaks and prevents server resource exhaustion.

What's wrong with max_requests alone?

Since gunicorn allocates requests to each worker process almost evenly, there are cases where all worker processes reach max_requests at the same time and restart. In that case, there is no worker who can handle the request for a moment, so from the user's point of view, it is possible that "Oh, this site suddenly became extremely heavy?"

New features from version 19.2 max_requests_jitter

Therefore, from version 19.2, the max_requests_jitter parameter has been added. If you read the code of the Worker class, max_requests is set in __init__ as follows. [^ 1]

        jitter = randint(0, cfg.max_requests_jitter)
        self.max_requests = cfg.max_requests + jitter or MAXSIZE

That is, if you set max_requests_jitter to an integer greater than 0, the max_requests of each worker process will be incremented by a random value from 0 to max_requests_jitter. This will cause the max_requests of each worker process to have different values, and the restart timing will be different to avoid the above problem.

This feature was proposed by a former Reddit engineer alienth. It seems that the code was originally used by Reddit.

According to alienth's comment, "Right now we're using a max_requests of 500, and a max_requests_jitter of 200 so that restarts" It says "are highly randomized.", So if you set max_requests = 500`` max_requests_jitter = 200, it will be a nice variation.

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