[JAVA] Note the StringUtils # containsAny method

Note that containsAny in the ʻorg.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils` class has some overloaded methods, but behaves addictively.

The second argument is CharSequence

public static boolean containsAny(final CharSequence cs, final CharSequence searchChars) 

The method of is true if any character contained in the string of the second argument is included.

StringUtils.containsAny("abcde", "aaa"); // true

StringUtils.containsAny("abcde", "efghi"); // true

The second argument is CharSequence ...

public static boolean containsAny(final CharSequence cs, final CharSequence... searchCharSequences)

The method of is true if any string contained in the string array of the second argument is included. (This time, the behavior we expected)

StringUtils.containsAny("abcde", "aaa", "bbb", "ccc"); // false

StringUtils.containsAny("abcde", "cde", "def", "efg"); // true

Although it is a variable argument method, the behavior changes only when the number of arguments is 1 (it looks like), so it seems that variations will increase in the future, so it is notStringUtils.contains ()butStringUtils.containsAny () Be careful not to get addicted to the simple idea ofmaking it.

You can call the variable argument method by forcibly casting as follows.

StringUtils.containsAny("abcde", new String[]{"aaa"}); // false

StringUtils.containsAny("abcde", new String[]{"efghi"}); // false

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