Read the URL list with Robot Framework and surround the screenshots

Even if I looked it up, it didn't come out easily, so I made a note. (Please tell me if there is a better way)

--Read the URL list from an external file (list.tsv) --Take screenshots for them --Take a full page --Put a line into a python variable and turn it


*** Settings ***
Library    SeleniumLibrary
Variables   ./

*** Keywords ***
Create Chrome Driver
	${options} =  Evaluate  sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions()  sys
	Call method  ${options}  add_argument    --headless
	Create webdriver    Chrome    chrome_options=${options}

*** Test Cases ***
	Create Chrome Driver
    ${w} =    Execute JavaScript    return document.body.scrollWidth
    ${h} =    Execute JavaScript    return document.body.scrollHeight
    Set Window Size  ${w}  ${h}
    Set ScreenShot Directory    path=screenshot

    ${length}=  Get Length  ${conditions}
    :FOR    ${idx}  IN RANGE    ${length}
    \   Go To    @{urls}[${idx}]
    \   Capture Page Screenshot     filename=@{conditions}[${idx}].png

import csv

with open('list.tsv') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
    l = [row for row in reader]
    l_T = [list(x) for x in zip(*l)]
    conditions = l_T[0]
    urls = l_T[1]



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