I tried'Beauty'with OpenCV

Long time no see. I posted about 9 months, thinking that it would be bad if I didn't post it soon. This time, I wrote the code of'Beauty'using OpenCV of python and tried it. Please try it and compare before and after the image'Beauty'.


import cv2

image = cv2.imread('photo.jpg')
value = 20
image_dst = cv2.bilateralFilter(image,value,value * 2,value / 2)

Code description

Import OpenCV

import cv2

Load image

image = cv2.imread('photo.jpg')

The larger the beauty value value of the image, the stronger the beauty effect, and the smaller the beauty value value, the weaker the beauty effect.

value = 20
image_dst = cv2.bilateralFilter(image,value,value * 2,value / 2)

Save the new image to a file


Make a window

If you want to create a window in advance and display the image read later. Use cv2.namedWindow (window_name, flag)


open window


Wait for window

Input wait time in milliseconds


close window

A function that closes all windows created so far. If you want to close only a specific window, specify the window name you want to close in the cv2.destroyWindow () function.


This is the end of this "I tried'Beauty'with OpenCV". Thank you very much for reading.

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