[SWIFT] Automatically adjust the height of Xib files

How to automatically adjust the height according to the number of characters when embedding an Xib file in View.

During non-automatic adjustment: The green View is cut off in the middle. Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 Pro Max - 2020-10-24 at 11.52.06.png

After automatic adjustment: The green View is displayed to the end. Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 Pro Max - 2020-10-24 at 11.52.46.png

【Solutions】 Changed the setting of View that displays the Xib file embedded on StoryBoard as follows. Layout→Autoresizing Mask スクリーンショット 2020-10-24 11.49.59.png Set the constraint that you want to be automatically adjusted by Autoresizing. スクリーンショット 2020-10-24 11.50.08.png

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