[JAVA] Bean mapping with MapStruct Part 3

Continuation of the last time

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Type conversion and format

Type conversion can be performed at the time of mapping like int-> String. At that time, the format can also be specified.


public class Hoge {
    private String date;
    private String number;

   // constructor/getter/setter

public class Fuga {
    private LocalDate date;
    private int number;

   // constructor/getter/setter

Creating a Mapper

public interface ConversionMapper {
    ConversionMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(ConversionMapper.class);

    @Mapping(target = "date", source = "date", dateFormat = "yyyy year MM month dd day") // (1)
    @Mapping(target = "number", source = "number", numberFormat = "#,###") // (2)
    Hoge convert(Fuga fuga);

(1) Specify the date format in the dateFormat attribute. (2) Specify the numerical format in the numberFormat attribute.


Fuga fuga = new Fuga(LocalDate.of(2017, 4, 1), 1234567890);
Hoge hoge = ConversionMapper.INSTANCE.convert(fuga);

System.out.println(hoge.getDate()); //April 01, 2017
System.out.println(hoge.getNumber()); // 1,234,567,890

List type conversion

You can also type-convert a list by using @IterableMapping. This time, int-> String is converted and 3 digits are padded with zeros.

Creating a Mapper

public interface ConversionMapper {
    ConversionMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(ConversionMapper.class);

    @IterableMapping(numberFormat = "000")
    List<String> zeroPadding(List<Integer> numbers);


List<String> numbers = ConversionMapper.INSTANCE.zeroPadding(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 56, 76, 863));
System.out.println(numbers); // [001, 002, 056, 076, 863]

Mapper reuse

You can use other Mapper from Mapper. You can specify a Mapper generated by MapStruct or a Mapper implemented independently.


public class Hoge {
    private String date;

    // constructor/getter/setter

public class Fuga {
    private LocalDate date;

    // constructor/getter/setter

Creating a Mapper

This time, create your own Mapper for LocalDate-> String conversion and reuse it.

Original Mapper

public class LocalDateMapper {
    public String asString(LocalDate date) {
        DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy year MM month dd day");
        return date != null ? date.format(formatter) : null;
@Mapper(uses = LocalDateMapper.class) // (1)
public interface InvokingOtherMapper {
    InvokingOtherMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(InvokingOtherMapper.class);

    Hoge fugaToHoge(Fuga fuga);

(1) Specify the Mapper to be reused in the ʻuses` attribute.


Fuga fuga = new Fuga(LocalDate.of(2017, 4, 1));
Hoge hoge = InvokingOtherMapper.INSTANCE.fugaToHoge(fuga);

System.out.println(hoge.getDate()); //April 01, 2017

Use of Qualifier

You can add annotations to your own mapping logic so that Mapper can use your own mapping logic. Here, as an example, mapping to convert to uppercase and lowercase is performed.


public class Hoge {
    private String hoge1;
    private String hoge2;

    // constructor/getter/setter

public class Fuga {
    public String fuga1;
    public String fuga2;

    // constructor/getter/setter

Creating mapping logic

public class Characters {

    public String upperCase(String string) {
        return (string == null) ? null : string.toUpperCase();

    public String lowerCase(String string) {
        return (string == null) ? null : string.toLowerCase();

Creating annotations

public @interface CharacterConverter {

public @interface ToUpper {

public @interface ToLower {


Add the created annotation to the mapping logic.

public class Characters {

    public String upperCase(String string) {
        return (string == null) ? null : string.toUpperCase();

    public String lowerCase(String string) {
        return (string == null) ? null : string.toLowerCase();

Creating a Mapper

@Mapper(uses = Characters.class) // (1)
public interface HogeFugaMapper {
    HogeFugaMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(HogeFugaMapper.class);

    @Mapping(target = "hoge1", source = "fuga1", qualifiedBy = { CharacterConverter.class, ToUpper.class }) // (2)
    @Mapping(target = "hoge2", source = "fuga2", qualifiedBy = { CharacterConverter.class, ToLower.class }) // (3)
    Hoge fugaToHoge(Fuga fuga);

(1) Specify the mapping logic class (2) (3) Specify the class level of the mapping logic class and the annotation specified at the method level in the qualifiedBy attribute.


Fuga fuga = new Fuga("abc", "XYZ");
Hoge hoge = HogeFugaMapper.INSTANCE.fugaToHoge(fuga);

System.out.println(hoge.getHoge1()); // ABC
System.out.println(hoge.getHoge2()); // xyz

Next time.

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