Accelerate CI by skipping unnecessary pip install

Thing you want to do

Travis CI testing is slow and I want to speed it up. Looking at the log, pip install is taking a long time. Especially numpy installation is slow. Also, I want to skip the fact that the installed package is processed every time because it is specified in the cache directory.



- 2.7.9
  apt: true
  - "$HOME/.pip-cache/"
  - "$HOME/virtualenv/python2.7.9"
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install XXX #Required package installation
- pip install -r requirements.txt --download-cache $HOME/.pip-cache
#Omitted below

What i did

Change the install item so that the installation process runs only the difference compared to pip freeze


- pip freeze | comm -13 - requirements.txt | grep -v '^#' | xargs pip install --download-cache $HOME/.pip-cache


The line installed by specifying tag from the git repository will always be a difference because the hash value of the commit is displayed in pip freeze.

Well, is it okay because the slowest numpy was skipped? I think.

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