[OpenCV] ArUco marker detection sample script


OpenCV AR marker library ArUco Python3 sample script

Sample script

I put the source on github. OpenCV_SamplesForMyself

Reference link

-[Open CV] OpenCV drawing function



I used Windows10, Python 3.8.6. When using streaming, I used the Raspberry Pi 3 model B with a camera module. Raspberry Pi can be streamed with MJPEG-Streamer.

OpenCV installation

If you can use Python3, you should be able to use OpenCV by installing it with the following command.

$ pip install opencv-contrib-python

Creating an AR marker image

If you execute the following script, the AR marker will be output (ar.png) You can also output other markers by executing opcv_outputARmark02.py on github.


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import cv2
aruco = cv2.aruco
dictionary = aruco.getPredefinedDictionary(aruco.DICT_4X4_50)

def arGenerator():
    fileName = "ar.png "
    # 0:ID number, 150x150 pixels
    generator = aruco.drawMarker(dictionary, 0, 150)
    cv2.imwrite(fileName, generator)
    img = cv2.imread(fileName)


Script execution command

$ python opcv_outputARmark01.py

The output marker ar.png.

Sample script overview

This is an overview of the data stored on github.

file name Detection target drawing output
opcv_outputARmark01.py AR marker image
opcv_outputARmark02.py AR marker image
opcvCapImg01_drawID.py image ID
opcvCapImg02_drawText.py image letter
opcvCapImg03_drawLine.py image line
opcvCapImg04_drawRectangle.py image Rectangle
opcvCapImg05_drawCircle.py image Circle
opcvCapImg06_drawPolylines.py image Polygon
opcvCapImg07_drawIMG.py image image
opcvCapImg08_drawAxis.py image 3D axis
opcvCapVideo01_drawID.py Video ID
opcvCapVideo02_drawID_outMP4.py Video ID Video
opcvCapVideo03_drawRectangle_outMP4.py Video Rectangle Video
opcvCapVideo04_drawText_outMP4.py Video letter Video
opcvCapVideo05_drawAxis_outMP4.py Video 3D axis Video
opcvCapVideo06_drawImg_outMP4.py Video image Video
opcvCapVideo07_drawVideo_outMP4.py Video Video Video

--Column description --Detection target --Target to detect AR marker --Image --Use PNG format image --Video --Includes the following 3 formats - --Video in MP4 format --Streaming (Raspberry Pi + camera) --Camera device (Windows PC + camera) --Drawing --Type of information to be given to the detected AR marker -(ID, text, images, videos, etc.) --Output --Format to output the execution result to a file -(Image, video) --Dummy file --A dummy text file is stored instead of the mp4 file. - (dummy)test-mapping.mp4____.txt --Dummy file of test-mapping.mp4 - https://youtu.be/S-h031SBLaQ - (dummy)test-video.mp4____.txt --test-video.mp4 dummy file - https://youtu.be/qlqU_y5hu0k --Video data can be downloaded here - https://note.com/agw/n/na2f22f876228

Script to detect markers from images

[IMG-01] Draw ID: opcv_outputARmark01.py

For all AR markers detected by aruco.drawDetectedMarkers (img, corners, ids, (0,255,0)), draw a rectangle with the ID and the four corners of the marker as vertices.


[IMG-02] Draw characters: opcvCapImg02_drawText.py

Draw characters with cv2.putText (...). In the sample, the coordinates of the four corners of the marker are drawn.


[IMG-03] Draw Line: opcvCapImg03_drawLine.py

Draw a straight line with cv2.line (...).


[IMG-04] Draw Rectangle: opcvCapImg04_drawRectangle.py

Draw a rectangle with cv2.rectangle (...).


[IMG-05] Draw a circle: opcvCapImg05_drawCircle.py

Draw a circle with cv2.circle (...).


[IMG-06] Draw Polygon: opcvCapImg06_drawPolylines_outImg.py

Draw a polygon with cv2.polylines (...).


[IMG-07] Draw an image


[IMG-08] Draw 3D axis


Script to detect markers from video

[VIDEO-01] Draw ID: opcvCapVideo01_drawID.py

Detects the marker and draws the ID. Unlike other video samples, the result is not output as a video. image.png https://youtu.be/XVpjjGrzeAw

[VIDEO-02] Draw ID and output video file: opcvCapVideo02_drawID_outMP4.py

Similar to [VIDEO-01], it detects the marker and draws the ID.

image.png https://youtu.be/XVpjjGrzeAw

[VIDEO-03] Draw a rectangle and output a video file: opcvCapVideo03_drawRectangle_outMP4.py

image.png https://youtu.be/eyuDafmZQ28

[VIDEO-04] Draw characters and output video file: opcvCapVideo04_drawText_outMP4.py

image.png https://youtu.be/zTJSGT5dQ_g

[VIDEO-05] Draw 3D axis and output video file: opcvCapVideo05_drawAxis_outMP4.py

image.png https://youtu.be/nyaPeCBZ2hQ

[VIDEO-06] Draw an image and output a video file: opcvCapVideo06_drawImg_outMP4.py

image.png https://youtu.be/1aR9-r7BFjQ

[VIDEO-07] Draw a video and output a video file: opcvCapVideo07_drawVideo_outMP4.py

Draw a video file (MP4) on the detected marker. It seems that the output video does not include the video drawn according to the marker (?), And the output video did not draw correctly.

image.png https://youtu.be/jqJlxl5lzkI

When using a camera device or streaming

cv2.VideoCapture (...) is also compatible with camera devices and MJPEG-Streamer. Use cv2.VideoCapture (0) to specify the camera device and cv2.VideoCapture ("http: // {IP Address}: 8090 /? Action = stream ") to specify streaming.

You will be able to detect/draw markers for streaming as shown in the figure below.


I have confirmed that the camera device and streaming can be used in the video sample script of here.

Here's an example of using a camera device or streaming with a script in here. opcvCapVideo07_drawVideo_outMP4.py can be used by changing the values ​​of the variables targetVideo and outputVideo excerpted below.


# ---Excerpt--- #

#targetVideo = 0 #Camera device
#targetVideo = "test-video.mp4" #Video
#targetVideo = "http://{IP Address}:8090/?action=stream" # MJPG-Streamer
targetVideo = "test-video.mp4"

#mappingVideo= 0 #Camera device
mappingVideo= "test-mapping.mp4" #Video
#mappingVideo= "http://{IP Address}:8090/?action=stream" # MJPG-Streamer
outputVideo= "editV07.mp4"

# ---Excerpt--- #

Example) Sample when a marker is detected from streaming and an image is drawn

Example) Sample when a marker is detected from streaming and a video (MP4) is drawn

Reference: Building a streaming server

I referred to here for the installation of MJPG-Streamer. https://qiita.com/suo-takefumi/items/2ae5527869dc13d038a9


I investigated how to use OpenCV, so I summarized the information. It seems that OpenGL can handle 3D objects as well, so I'll investigate that as well.

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