I've summarized some sorting algorithms.
I described each point, implementation example in Python, and measurement of each speed.
I implemented it without using built-in functions as much as possible, so it's not very fast, but I wanted to make something faster than sort () and sorted ().
The sorting algorithm to handle is
--Bubble sort --Select sort --Insert sort --Merge sort --Quick sort --Count sort
name | Average calculation time | Worst calculation time | memory usage | Stability |
Bubble sort | Stable | |||
Selection sort | Not stable | |||
Insertion sort | Stable | |||
Merge sort | Stable | |||
Quick sort | Not stable | |||
Count sort | Not stable |
Other well-known sorting algorithms include heapsort, shellsort, and radix sort, but this time I have forgotten them. I want to add it someday.
For heapsort, it's pretty easy to implement with Python's heapq module, but it feels different from doing sort () ...
Stability means that when data such as [1-b, 2-a, 1-a, 2-b] is sorted by number as a key, the order before sorting is saved, and [1-b, We recognize that something like 1-a, 2-a, 2-b] is defined as stable.
--Compare and exchange the size of each side, and do it until there is no need to change. --Simple and easy to understand.
def bubble_sort(arr):
change = True
while change:
change = False
for i in range(len(arr) - 1):
if arr[i] > arr[i + 1]:
arr[i], arr[i + 1] = arr[i + 1], arr[i]
change = True
return arr
--Select the minimum or maximum in the array and move it to the end. --Simple and easy to understand.
I feel like I can use min () ...
In order to reduce the memory usage to $ O (1) $, we implement it by replacing instead of putting it in a new list.
def sellect_sort(arr):
for ind, ele in enumerate(arr):
min_ind = min(range(ind, len(arr)), key=arr.__getitem__)
arr[ind], arr[min_ind] = arr[min_ind], ele
return arr
--In order from the left, insert into the appropriate part of the arranged array. --When searching for a place to insert, you can speed up by using a 2-minute search. --Compared to merge sort and quick sort, it does not depend on the state of data. --Strong against almost sorted arrays and relatively small arrays. --Simple and easy to understand.
If you do not use the 2-minute search,
def insert_sort(arr):
for i in range(1, len(arr)):
j = i - 1
ele = arr[i]
while arr[j] > ele and j >= 0:
arr[j + 1] = arr[j]
j -= 1
arr[j + 1] = ele
return arr
When using a 2-minute search,
import sys
sys.setrecursionlimit(10 ** 7)
def binary_search(arr, low, hig, ele):
if low == hig:
if arr[low] > ele:
return low
return low + 1
elif low > hig:
return low
mid = (low + hig) // 2
if arr[mid] < ele:
return binary_search(arr, mid + 1, hig, ele)
elif arr[mid] > ele:
return binary_search(arr, low, mid - 1, ele)
return mid
def insert_sort_bin(arr):
for i in range(1, len(arr)):
ele = arr[i]
ind = binary_search(arr, 0, i - 1, ele)
arr[:] = arr[:ind] + [ele] + arr[ind:i] + arr[i + 1:]
return arr
By the way, when using bisect, which is a module for 2-minute search,
import bisect
def insert_sort_bin_buildin(arr):
for i in range(1, len(arr)):
bisect.insort(arr, arr.pop(i), 0, i)
return arr
--First, repeat the division, and then combine in order. --As a result, splitting and joining are done recursively. --Sort in the process of combining. ――Because the sorted arrays are joined together, devise a joining method. --Heapq merge can also be used for merging. --If you can divide it to a certain extent, you can speed it up by using another sorting algorithm. ――It's pretty fast, but it uses a lot of memory. --Can be processed in parallel
def merge_sort(arr):
if len(arr) <= 1:
return arr
mid = len(arr) // 2
#Do the split here
left = arr[:mid]
right = arr[mid:]
#Recursively split
left = merge_sort(left)
right = merge_sort(right)
#When return is returned, combine and pass the combined next
return merge(left, right)
def merge(left, right):
merged = []
l_i, r_i = 0, 0
#To merge the sorted arrays, just look at each from the left
while l_i < len(left) and r_i < len(right):
#here=The stability is maintained by attaching
if left[l_i] <= right[r_i]:
l_i += 1
r_i += 1
#If either of the above while statements becomes False, it will end, so extend too much
if l_i < len(left):
if r_i < len(right):
return merged
――Determine a reference value and divide it into two arrays, large and small according to the reference value. --As a method of selecting this reference value, use the beginning and end of the array, the median value of about three appropriate values, and so on. --The same processing is performed recursively within the divided groups. --Performance depends on how to determine the standard value. --If you can divide it to a certain extent, you can speed it up by using another sorting algorithm. ――It's pretty fast, but it uses a lot of memory. --Not a stable sort.
def quick_sort(arr):
left = []
right = []
if len(arr) <= 1:
return arr
#Random because it does not depend on the state of the data.choice()May be used.
# ref = random.choice(arr)
ref = arr[0]
ref_count = 0
for ele in arr:
if ele < ref:
elif ele > ref:
ref_count += 1
left = quick_sort(left)
right = quick_sort(right)
return left + [ref] * ref_count + right
--Count the number of each value. --Easy to implement. --Very fast depending on the range of values.
Bucket sort is a sorting algorithm that is very similar to count sorting. Bucket sort is like a sorting algorithm that creates several boxes with a certain range, puts values in them, sorts each box, and then combines them.
Count sorting can also maintain stability by creating a box for each value and adding it to it, but this is the implementation because the idea is a bucket rather than a count. If you use the collections.defaultdict module, you can implement it quite easily and stably.
def count_sort(arr):
max_num = max(arr)
min_num = min(arr)
count = [0] * (max_num - min_num + 1)
for ele in arr:
count[ele - min_num] += 1
return [ele for ele, cnt in enumerate(count, start=min_num) for __ in range(cnt)]
Generated with numpy.random.
The created dataset is
--data1: 100 uniform random numbers of integers in the range 0-100 --data2: 10000 integer uniform random numbers in the range 0-1000 --data3: 10000 uniform random numbers of integers in the range 0-100 --data4: 100 random numbers of standard normal distribution with mean 10 and standard deviation 5 --data5: 10000 random numbers with standard normal distribution in the range of mean 100 and standard deviation 50 --data6: 100 uniform random numbers in the range 0-100 already sorted in reverse order --data7: Already sorted by 100 uniform random numbers of integers in the range 0-100, only the first 10 are messed up
data_rand_1 = list(randint(0, 10 ** 2, 10 ** 2))
data_rand_2 = list(randint(0, 10 ** 4, 10 ** 4))
data_rand_3 = list(randint(0, 10 ** 2, 10 ** 4))
data_rand_4 = [int(normal(10, 5)) for __ in range(10 ** 2)]
data_rand_5 = [int(normal(10 ** 2, 50)) for __ in range(10 ** 4)]
data_rand_6 = sorted(randint(0, 10 ** 2, 10 ** 2), reverse=True)
data_rand_7 = sorted(randint(0, 10 ** 2, 10 ** 2))
data_rand_7[0: 10] = choice(data_rand_7[0: 10], 10, replace=False)
The following code was used to measure 100 times and the average was calculated. I couldn't measure it well with the timeit command of Jupyter notebook.
The unit is μs.
Measurements were made for each algorithm in order to reduce the error as much as possible. Perhaps it depends on the specifications of the CPU and memory, but if the implementation was such that all algorithms could be measured at once using a loop, the performance would drop significantly.
datas = [data_rand_1, data_rand_2, data_rand_3,
data_rand_4, data_rand_5, data_rand_6, data_rand_7]
for ind, data in enumerate(datas):
print("---- DataSet : {0} ----".format(ind + 1))
times = []
for i in range(100):
start = time.time()
#Sort algorithm you want to measure
elapsed_time = int((time.time() - start) * (10 ** 6))
print(sum(times) // 100)
type | Uniform random number | 大きいUniform random number | 狭くて大きいUniform random number | normal distribution | 大きいnormal distribution | Sorted in reverse order | Almost sorted |
Python built-in sort | 16 | 3488 | 2938 | 10 | 2447 | 12 | 6 |
Bubble sort | 25 | 167789 | 163781 | 21 | 154426 | 26 | 10 |
Selection sort | 418 | 4025181 | 3889431 | 379 | 3552541 | 433 | 422 |
Insertion sort | 24 | 58281 | 53705 | 19 | 47764 | 25 | 17 |
Insertion sort(2 minutes search) | 627 | 1382480 | 1338027 | 334 | 1278530 | 347 | 339 |
Merge sort | 593 | 67221 | 61657 | 329 | 59483 | 270 | 233 |
Quick sort | 142 | 25911 | 12009 | 56 | 12044 | 469 | 542 |
Count sort | 95 | 5597 | 2164 | 24 | 1607 | 57 | 51 |
--Python's built-in sorting is fast. --Insert sort is relatively fast among low-grade sorts. --It doesn't get faster even if you search for 2 minutes by insertion sort. --Merge sort and quick sort are unexpectedly slow. With larger data, I think it will be much faster if you put a count sort in the middle of quicksort. ――Most algorithms do not deteriorate the result depending on the data state, but the performance of only quick sort deteriorates depending on the data state.
For narrow ranges, count sort seems to be faster than built-in sort.
I think that if we can implement bucket sort, which is a relative of count sort, we can build a faster algorithm.
For the time being, combine quick sort and count sort to put in a large amount of data.
The prepared data is big_data = list (randint (0, 10 ** 3, 10 ** 6))
def quick_sort_with_count(arr):
left = []
right = []
if len(arr) <= 1:
return arr
ref = choice(arr)
ref_count = 0
for ele in arr:
if ele < ref:
elif ele > ref:
ref_count += 1
if len(left) <= 1000:
left = count_sort(left)
left = quick_sort_with_count(left)
if len(right) <= 1000:
right = count_sort(right)
right = quick_sort_with_count(right)
return left + [ref] * ref_count + right
type | result |
Python built-in sort | 464109 |
Quick sort | 2069006 |
Count sort | 250043 |
Quick sort+Count sort | 3479010 |
I've run out of time for the time being, so that's it. If you have the time, take a fine-grained dataset and compare and validate Python's built-in sorts and count sorts.
Merge sort, quick sort, etc. are generally said to be fast, but for the time being, it seems that it is not so fast because it takes time for recursive calls in Python.
If you know the range and type of values, count sorting may be useful. Japanese Wikipedia doesn't even have an article, and some English documents are confused with bucket sort, but ...
-Wikipedia Sort: A comprehensive description of the sort algorithm. -Rosetta Code: A collection of implementation examples collected for each algorithm language. I tried to drop it from here. -Random number generation summary by Numpy -Measure and display the processing time
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