Nice to meet you, I would like to introduce myself.

I'm Ryuto Kaminoyama, a first year student at Tomakomai National College of Technology. This time, we have opened a blog for the Advent calendar.

[Advent Calendar-Wikipedia]( % E3% 82% AB% E3% 83% AC% E3% 83% B3% E3% 83% 80% E3% 83% BC) The Advent calendar is a calendar used to count the number of days until Christmas. It is a calendar that opens one window every day during the Advent period (the period of waiting for the birth of Jesus Christ). ** Christmas has come when all the windows have been opened. ** **

In other words, Christmas cannot be reached unless everyone finishes writing this blog ().

Well, I'm studying Python3 now, but my understanding of classes and methods is ambiguous, and I still need to study before I can start development. I also studied mathematics. Derivatives and derivatives are now available, but differentiation still seems difficult.

Finally, I thought that I was writing a blog on Qiita, but since Markdown expressions can also use HTML, I thought that HTML should be studied as well.

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