This kind of processing that you often see.
//If the string is not empty and is in lowercase letters
//When the processing category is either registered or changed
if ((StringUtils.isNotEmpty(str) && StringUtils.isAlpha(str)
&& StringUtils.isAllLowerCase(str))
&& (processDivision.isRegister() || processDivision.isChange())) {
//Something processing
At a glance, it's hard to tell what the conditions are, and it's easy to make mistakes in the position of parentheses. This may still be better, but I'm desperate when the conditions increase ...
Create the following class.
public final class Assume<T> {
private T obj;
public static <T> Assume<T> that(T obj) {
Assume<T> assume = new Assume<>();
assume.obj = obj;
return assume;
public AnyMatch<T> satisfiesAnyOf(Predicate<T> method) {
AnyMatch<T> anyOf = new AnyMatch<>(obj, method);
return anyOf;
public AllMatch<T> satisfiesAllOf(Predicate<T> method) {
AllMatch<T> allOf = new AllMatch<>(obj, method);
return allOf;
public final class AnyMatch<T> {
private T obj;
private boolean match;
protected AnyMatch(T obj, Predicate<T> checkMethod) {
this.match = checkMethod.test(obj);
this.obj = obj;
public AnyMatch<T> or(Predicate<T> checkMethod) {
if (match) {
return this;
this.match = checkMethod.test(obj);
return this;
public boolean check() {
return match;
public class AllMatch<T> {
private T obj;
private boolean match;
protected AllMatch(T obj, Predicate<T> checkMethod) {
this.match = checkMethod.test(obj);
this.obj = obj;
public AllMatch<T> and(Predicate<T> checkMethod) {
if (!match) {
return this;
this.match = checkMethod.test(obj);
return this;
public boolean check() {
return match;
Using these three, the process at the beginning can be written as follows.
//If the string is not empty and is in lowercase letters
//When the processing category is either registered or changed
if (Assume.that(str)
&& Assume.that(processDivision)
.or(ProcessDivision::isChange).check()) {
//Something processing
The description is longer, but it's easier to understand what you're doing. Should be.
Write a third If statement that is neither an if statement nor a ternary operator Further improvement with reference to the article in.
public final class AnyMatch<T> {
public <A> Else<A> then(Supplier<A> a1) {
return (Supplier<A> a2) -> match ? a1.get() : a2.get();
public interface Else<A> {
A orElse(Supplier<A> a2);
If you prepare
String hoge = Assume.that(str)
.and(StringUtils::isAllLowerCase).then(() -> "aaa").orElse(() -> "bbb");
You can also do this.
-Write a third If statement that is neither an if statement nor a ternary operator
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