[Python] How to change the date format (display format)

How to change the date format (display format) in python

When the date type is output as a character string, the default is "yyyy-mm-dd". Change this to any format, such as "yyyy / mm / dd" or "yyyy year m month d day".

  • The list format is "yyyy-mm-dd". Only strings can be reformatted.
Default display example of date
`2020-03-22` (string | str)

table of contents

  1. ["Two" ways to change the date](#Two ways to change the date)
  2. [[0 padded] date format change (example: yyyy / mm / dd)](# 1 date format change example yyyymmdd)
  3. [(1-1) Change with strptime method](# 1-1 Change with strptime method)
  4. [Change with (1-2) format method](Change with # 1-2 format method)
  5. [[0 padded] date format change (example: yyyy year m month d day)](# 2 date format change example yyyy year m month d day)
  6. [(2-1) Change with strptime method](# 2-1 Change with strptime method)
  7. [Change with (2-2) format method](Change with # 2-2 format method)
  8. [Use (2-3) year, month, day methods](use # 2-3 year-month-day methods)
  9. [Use (2-4) replace method](Use # 2-4 replace method)

"Two" ways to change the date

** ① Use strptime method ** ** ② Use format method **

## [1] Change date format (example: yyyy / mm / dd) 0 padded pattern

(1-1) Change with strptime method

.strftime('%Y/%m/%d') └ Example: "today.strftime ("% Y /% m /% d ")" └ "% Y": Decimal number in the Christian era (4 digits) (% y is 2 digits) └ "% m": Decimal month filled with 0 (% M is minutes) └ "% d": 0-filled decimal date (% D is mm / dd / yy)

Source code

import datetime as dt
today = dt.date.today()  #Output: datetime.date(2020, 3, 22)


#Output result

Type is a string 「type(today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"))」:str

### (1-2) Change with format method `'{0:%Y/%m/%d}'.format()` └ Example:'{0:% Y /% m /% d}'. format (today) └ "0:" Specify which element to apply to (* cannot be omitted) * In the above example, there is only one today

Source code

import datetime as dt
today = dt.date.today()  #Output: datetime.date(2020, 3, 22)


#Output result

Type is a string 「type('{0:%Y/%m/%d}'.format(today))」:str

** ■ Application example of index number ** `'{0:%Y/%m/%d}'.format()` └ When specifying a value other than 0 with "0:"

-Used when there are multiple dates in the argument of format ()

Example of using index number

#Create 3 dates
today = dt.date.today()
past = dt.date(2015,1,1)
future = dt.date(2030,1,1)

#Change index number (0)~2)




## [2] Change date format (example: yyyy year m month d day) 0 unfilled pattern

(2-1) Change with strptime method

.strftime('%Y/%#m/%#d') └ Example: "today.strftime ("% Y /% # m /% # d ")" └ "% Y": Decimal number in the Christian era (4 digits) (% y is 2 digits) └ "% # m": 0 unfilled decimal month (% M is minutes) └ "% # d": 0 unfilled decimal date (% D is mm / dd / yy)

** ▼ 0 How to make it unfilled **

Source code(windows)

today = dt.date.today() 
today.strftime("%Y year%#m month%#d day")

#Output result
#'March 22, 2020

### (2-2) Change with format method `'{0:% Y year% # m month% # d day}'. format ()` └ Example:'{0:% Y year% # m month% # d day}'. format (today) └ "0:" Specify which element to apply to (* cannot be omitted)

Source code

today = dt.date.today() 
'{0:%Y year%#m month%#d day}'.format(today)

#Output result
#'March 22, 2020

### (2-3) Use year, month, day methods `str (today.year) +" year "+ str (today.month) +" month "+ str (today.day) +" day "` └ ".year": 4 digits in the Christian era (type: int) └ ".month": 0 unfilled month (type: int) └ ".day": 0 unfilled date (type: int) └ "+": int and str cannot be connected ⇒ convert int to str

Source code

today = dt.date.today() 

#Output result
#'March 22, 2020

### (2-4) Use replace method `y = today.strftime ("% Y year ")` `md = today.strftime ("% m month% d day "). replace ("0 "," ")` `y+md`

Source code

today = dt.date.today() 
y = today.strftime("%Y year")
md = today.strftime("%m month%d day").replace("0","")

#Output result
#'March 22, 2020

I think there are many other ways, but once it's like this. Please let me know if there is a good way.

[Back to top](How to change the date format display format with #python)

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