[RUBY] rails error Library not loaded

When I tried to use it after a long time, errors occurred frequently. Post a record.

error contents

rails --version

After checking the version with the above command I got the following error.

Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt ~

Response to errors

As a result of various investigations I tried the following command

brew update && brew upgrade

brew reinstall openssl

I tried changing the version of ruby without solving it.

rbenv versions
#Check version of ruby

rbenv install -l
#List of ruby versions that can be installed
#The list will change with the update of brew.

rbenv install 2.6.6
#Temporarily 2.6.If you want to install 6 this

rbenv local 2.1.5
#Change the version used, this is important

For the time being, this solved the error. It seemed to be caused by updating brew before.

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