[JAVA] OVal (annotation-based validation FW) code example

I tried using validation FW that can add input restrictions by annotation-based annotation called OVal. Make a note of the code example at that time.



<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/net.sf.oval/oval -->


// https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/net.sf.oval/oval
compile group: 'net.sf.oval', name: 'oval', version: '1.90'

When using with Spring

net.sf.oval.integration.spring.SpringValidator It seems that ʻorg.springframework.validation.Validator` is implemented. I haven't used it yet, so I will report it again when I try it.

Basic code example

Bean class

public class SampleBean{
    /** ID */
	@Assert(expr = "null!=_value&&''!=_value", lang = "js"
//lang =Is"bsh" / "beanshell", "groovy", or "js" / "javascript".Choose whichever you like and use it
//If it was about this@Maybe I should have used NotEmpty ...
    		,message="No ID has been entered")
    private String id;

    /** No */
    private Integer no;

    /**Registration date*/
    @Assert(expr = "null!=_value&&''!=_value", lang = "js"
    		,message="The registration date has not been entered")
    		,message="The format of the registration date is strange"
    @DateRange(format=DateUtil.DATE_HH_MM_FORMAT,message="The date range of the registration date is incorrect")
    @ValidateWithMethod(methodName="isValidDate", parameterType=String.class)
			,message="Please enter the date of December")
    private String abcTime;

    //getter,setter omitted

    private boolean isValidDate(String arg){//I will return true only in December
            return true;
            return false;

How to validate

net.sf.oval.Validator validator = new net.sf.oval.Validator();
List<ConstraintViolation> clist =  validator.validate( validatedObject );

I want to validate with a static method

In that case, it is not a standard function, so create your own validation annotation and check method. It's smarter to write in java8, but since I can only use the java7 environment (T-T), it's the java7 code.


import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

import net.sf.oval.ConstraintTarget;
import net.sf.oval.ConstraintViolation;
import net.sf.oval.configuration.annotation.Constraint;
import net.sf.oval.configuration.annotation.Constraints;

@Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE })
@Constraint(checkWith = ValidateWithStaticMethodCheck.class)
public @interface ValidateWithStaticMethod {
    @Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE })
    public @interface List {
        ValidateWithStaticMethod[] value();
        String when() default "";

    ConstraintTarget[] appliesTo() default ConstraintTarget.CONTAINER;

    String errorCode() default "net.sf.oval.constraint.ValidateWithMethod";

    boolean ignoreIfNull() default true;

    boolean ignoreIfNullOrEmpty() default true;

    String message() default "Message is not defined(ValidateWithStaticMethod)";

    Class<?> clazz();

    String methodName();

    String[] profiles() default {};

    int severity() default 0;

    String target() default "";

    String when() default "";

ValidateWithStaticMethodCheck.java(Check logic)

import static net.sf.oval.Validator.*;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;

import net.sf.oval.ConstraintTarget;
import net.sf.oval.Validator;
import net.sf.oval.configuration.annotation.AbstractAnnotationCheck;
import net.sf.oval.context.OValContext;
import net.sf.oval.exception.ReflectionException;

 *Check by Static method
public class ValidateWithStaticMethodCheck extends AbstractAnnotationCheck<ValidateWithStaticMethod> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private final Map<Class<?>, Method> validationMethodsByClass = new WeakHashMap<Class<?>, Method>();

    private boolean ignoreIfNull;
    private boolean ignoreIfNullOrEmpty;
    private Class<?> clazz;
    private String methodName;

    public void configure(final ValidateWithStaticMethod constraintAnnotation) {

    protected Map<String, String> createMessageVariables() {
        final Map<String, String> messageVariables = getCollectionFactory().createMap(4);
        messageVariables.put("ignoreIfNull", Boolean.toString(ignoreIfNull));
        messageVariables.put("ignoreIfNullOrEmpty", Boolean.toString(ignoreIfNullOrEmpty));
        messageVariables.put("methodName", methodName);
        return messageVariables;

    protected ConstraintTarget[] getAppliesToDefault() {
        return new ConstraintTarget[] { ConstraintTarget.VALUES };

    public String getMethodName() {
        return methodName;

    public boolean isIgnoreIfNull() {
        return ignoreIfNull;

    public boolean isSatisfied(final Object validatedObject, final Object valueToValidate, final OValContext context, final Validator validator)
            throws ReflectionException {
        if (valueToValidate == null && ignoreIfNull)
            return true;
        	if (valueToValidate == null)
        		return true;
        	//If you want to add an empty judgment condition, please add it here
        	if ( valueToValidate instanceof String && "".equals(valueToValidate) )
        		return true;
        	if ( valueToValidate instanceof Object[] && 0==((Object[])valueToValidate).length )
        		return true;
        	if ( valueToValidate instanceof List && 0==((List<?>)valueToValidate).size() )
        		return true;
        boolean result;
        Method method;
        try {
        	Class<?> parameterType = valueToValidate.getClass();
			method =  clazz.getMethod(methodName, parameterType);
	        result = (boolean)method.invoke(null, valueToValidate);
		} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
			throw new ReflectionException( e );
        return result;

    public void setIgnoreIfNull(final boolean ignoreIfNull) {
        this.ignoreIfNull = ignoreIfNull;

    public void setIgnoreIfNullOrEmpty(final boolean ignoreIfNullOrEmpty) {
        this.ignoreIfNullOrEmpty = ignoreIfNullOrEmpty;

	public Class<?> getClazz() {
		return clazz;

	public void setClazz(Class<?> clazz) {
		this.clazz = clazz;

	public void setMethodName(final String methodName) {
        this.methodName = methodName;
        synchronized (validationMethodsByClass) {


How to annotate

//ValidationMethods.isFormatTelNo(String str)Code example when using
		,message="The phone number is wrong. .. ..")
private String telNo;

I want to add the same annotation multiple times

It seems that you should write like this.

				,message="The phone number format is strange"),
				,message="The number of digits in the phone number is incorrect")
private String telNo;

List of annotations provided as standard

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