Original article: Awesome Python
Awesome List in Qiita
Library for management interface *
ajenti --Administrative panel for servers.
django-grappelli-Jazz skins for the Django admin interface.
django-jet-The latest responsive template for the Django management interface with improved features.
django-suit --Alternative to the Django Admin interface (free for non-commercial use only).
django-xadmin --Django admin drop-in replacement.
jet-bridge-Administrative panel framework for applications (such as Jet Django) with a nice UI.
flask-admin-A simple and extensible management interface framework for Flask.
flower-Real-time monitor and web management interface for Celery.
Wooey-A Django application that can automatically create a web UI.
Implementation of Python algorithms and design patterns *
algorithms-A small example of Python data structures and algorithms.
PyPattyrn-A simple and effective library for implementing common design patterns.
python-ds-A clean and simple collection of Python data structures and algorithms that you can use to prepare for coding interviews.
python-patterns-A collection of design patterns in Python.
sortedcontainers-A fast, pure Python implementation of the SortedList, SortedDict, and SortedSet types.
transitions-Implementation of a lightweight object-oriented finite state machine in Python.
Library for manipulating audio and audio metadata *
audioread --Audio Decoding Cross Library (GStreamer + Core Audio + MAD + FFmpeg).
dejavu-Audio fingerprinting and recognition.
matchering-Automated reference audio mastering library.
mingus-Advanced music theory and notation packages that support MIDI files and playback.
pyAudioAnalysis-Voice feature extraction, classification, segmentation and its applications
pydub-manipulate audio with a simple and easy high-level interface.
TimeSide-Open web audio processing framework.
beets-Music Library Manager and MusicBrainz Tagger.
eyeD3-A tool for working with audio files, especially MP3 files containing ID3 metadata.
mutagen-Python module for handling audio metadata.
tinytag-Library for reading music metadata for MP3, OGG, FLAC, Wave files.
Compile software from source code *
dataclasses-Dataclasses (Python standard library).
-like build tool for embedded Linux.
buildout-A build system for creating, assembling, and deploying applications from multiple parts.
PlatformIO-A console tool for building code on various development platforms.
pybuilder-Continuous build tool written in pure Python.
SCons-Software construction tool.
A library that enhances Python built-in classes. *
attrs-Replacement of __init__
, __eq__
, __repr__
, etc. Add boilerplate to class definition.
bidict --Efficient Python bidirectional map data structure and related functions.
Box --Python dictionary with advanced dot notation.
DottedDict-A library that provides a way to access lists and dictations in dotted path notation.
Library for caching data *
Beaker-WSGI middleware for sessions and caching.
django-cache-machine --Automatic caching and disabling of Django models.
django-cacheops-Smooth ORM cache with auto-subdivided event-driven invalidation.
dogpile.cache-dogpile.cache is the next generation alternative to Beaker by the same author.
HermesCache-Python caching library with tag-based invalidation and dogpile effect prevention.
pylibmc-libmemcached Python wrapper for the interface.
python-diskcache-SQLite and file backup cache backends provide faster lookups than Memcached and Redis.
Library for chatbot development *
Errbot-The easiest and most popular chatbot to implement ChatOps.
Content Management Systems *
wagtail --Django's content management system.
django-cms --The open source enterprise CMS is based on Django.
feincms-One of the most advanced content management systems built on Django.
Kotti-A high-level Pythonic web application framework built on Pyramid.
mezzanine-A powerful, consistent and flexible content management platform.
plone-CMS built on top of the open source application server Zope.
quokka-Small flexible and extensible CMS with Flask and MongoDB.
See also awesome-python-typing. *
mypy-Check variable type at compile time.
typeshed-A collection of Python library stubs using static types.
pyre-check --Executive check.
Library for migrating from Python 2 to Python 3 *
python-future-Compatibility layer that fills the gap between Python 2 and Python 3.
python-modernize --Modernize Python code for Python 3 migration.
six-Python 2 and 3 compatibility utility.
Library for computer vision *
Kornia-An open source, differentiateable computer vision library for PyTorch.
OpenCV --Open Source Computer Vision Library.
Another wrapper for pytesseract-Google Tesseract OCR.
tesserocr-A simple wrapper for the tesseract-ocr
API for Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
SimpleCV-An open source framework for building computer vision applications.
Library for parallel and parallel execution. See also awesome-asyncio. *
concurrent.futures-Process-based "[threading](https://docs.python.org/3/library/" threading.html) "interface.
multiprocessing-Process-based parallelization (Python standard library).
eventlet --Asynchronous framework that supports WSGI.
A coroutine-based Python networking library that uses gevent-greenlet.
scoop --Scalable parallel operation in Python.
Library for storing and parsing configuration options *
configobj --Validated INI file parser.
configparser-INI file parser (Python standard library).
profig-Composed from multiple formats with value conversion.
python-decouple-Strictly separate settings from code.
Encryption method *
cryptography-A package designed to expose crypto primitives and recipes to Python developers.
paramiko --Native Python SSHv2 protocol library.
passlib-Very high level and secure password storage / hash library.
pynacl --Python bindings for Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) libraries.
Library for data analysis *
Blaze-NumPy and Pandas interface for Big Data.
Open Mining-Business Intelligence (BI) for Pandas Interface.
Orange-Data mining with visual programming and scripts, data visualization, analysis, machine learning.
Pandas-A library that provides high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools.
Optimus-PySpark simplifies your agile data science workflow.
AWS Data Wrangler - Pandas on AWS.
Library for validating data *
Often used for forms *
Cerberus-Lightweight and extensible data validation library.
colander-Validation and deserialization of XML and JSON data obtained from HTML form posts.
evilpass-You can verify the strength of the password entered in one line.
jsonschema-JSON Schema implementation in Python.
schema-A library for validating Python data structures.
Schematics --Data structure validation.
valideer-Lightweight and extensible data validation and adaptation library.
voluptuous --Python data validation library.
Library for visualizing data *
See also Awesome JavaScript *
Altair-A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
Bokeh-Interactive web plot for Python.
bqplot --Interactive plot library for Jupyter Notebook.
Dash-Analytical web application built on Flask, React, Plotly.
diagrams - Diagram as Code.
plotnine-Python graphics grammar based on ggplot2.
Matplotlib --Python 2 D plot library.
Pygal-Python SVG Chart Creator.
PyGraphviz-Graphviz Python interface.
PyQtGraph-Interactive, real-time 2D / 3D / Image plots, science and engineering widgets.
Seaborn --Visualization of statistical data using Matplotlib.
Superset-A visual, intuitive and interactive data retrieval platform provided by Airbnb.
VisPy-High-performance scientific visualization based on OpenGL.
Database implemented in Python *
pickleDB-A simple and lightweight key-value store for Python.
tinydb-Small, document-oriented database.
ZODB --Python native object database. Key-value and object graph database.
See also Awesome MySQL. *
mysqlclient --My MySQL connector that supports Python 3 (mysql-python) fork).
PyMySQL-Compatible with mysql-python, pure Python MySQL driver.
See also awesome-postgres. *
psycopg2-The most common PostgreSQL adapter for Python.
queries-A wrapper for the psycopg2 library to interact with PostgreSQL.
Library that handles date and time *
Arrow-A Python library for creating, manipulating, formatting, and converting dates, times, and timestamps.
Chronyk-Python 3 library for parsing human-written times and dates.
delorean-A library to get rid of the inconvenient truth when dealing with datetimes.
moment-Inspired by Moment.js, a Python library for working with dates / times.
Pendulum-Easier to work with Python datetimes.
PyTime-An easy-to-use Python module aimed at manipulating date / time with strings.
pytz-Modern and historic timezone definition. Bring tz database into Python.
when.py-Provides user-friendly features to help you perform common date and time actions.
maya --Datetimes for humans.
Framework for neural networks and deep learning *
See also Awesome Deep Learning *
Chainer --Deep learning framework made in Japan.
caffe-A fast open source framework for deep learning.
keras-A high-level neural network library that can run on either TensorFlow or Theano.
mxnet-Lightweight, portable, flexible distributed / mobile deep learning, and mutation-aware dataflow scheduler. Python, R, Julia, It supports many languages such as Scala and Go JavaScript.
pytorch-Numpy-like tensor computation and dynamic neural networks with powerful GPU acceleration.
SerpentAI-Game Agent Framework. Any video game can be used as a deep learning sandbox.
tensorflow-The most popular Deep Learning framework created by Google.
Theano-A library for high-speed numerical calculations.
Software and libraries for developers *
ansible-A fundamentally simple IT automation platform.
cloudinit-A multi-distribution package that handles early initialization of cloud instances.
cuisine-Fabric's Chef-like functionality.
Fast and isolated development environment using docker-compose-Docker.
fabric-A simple Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment.
fabtools-Tools for creating great Fabric files.
honcho --A Python clone of Foreman for managing Procfile-based applications.
OpenStack-Open source software for building private and public clouds.
pexpect --Control interactive programs with pseudo-terminals like GNU expect.
psutil-Cross-platform process and system utility module.
saltstack-Infrastructure automation and management system.
supervisor --Supervisor process control system for UNIX.
A library that creates packaged executables for release distribution *
cx_Freeze --cx_Freeze is a cross-platform library that converts Python scripts into executable files. Python 2.7 and above (including Python 3) Is supported.
dh-virtualenv --Build virtualenv and distribute it as a Debian package.
Nuitka-Compile scripts, modules, and packages into executable or extension modules.
py2app-Compress Python scripts (Mac OS X).
py2exe-Compress Python scripts (Windows).
PyInstaller-Converts Python programs to standalone executables (cross-platform).
pynsist-A tool that builds Windows Installer, which bundles Python itself.
pyarmor-A tool for obfuscating Python scripts.
shiv-A command line utility for building a fully self-contained zipapp (PEP 441), including all dependencies.
Library for generating project documents *
sphinx --Python doc generator.
pdoc-Replacement of Epydoc, which automatically generates API documentation for Python libraries.
Pycco-Literal programming style document generator.
Library for download *
s3cmd-Command line tool for managing Amazon S3 and CloudFront.
s4cmd --Super S3 command line tool. High performance.
you-get --Youku / Youku / Niconico Video Downloader written in Python 3.
youtube-dl-A small command line program for downloading videos from YouTube.
akshare-A financial data interface library built for humans.
Frameworks and libraries for e-commerce and payments *
alipay --Unofficial Alipay API for Python.
Cartridge-A shopping cart app built using Mezzanine.
django-oscar-Open source e-commerce framework for Django.
django-shop --Django-based shop system.
merchant-A Django app that accepts payments from various payment processors.
class with optional CLDR-enabled locale-aware format and extensible currency exchange solution.
python-currencies-Displays the currency format and the currency before that format.
forex-python-Exchange rate, Bitcoin price index, currency conversion.
saleor-Create a Django e-commerce store.
shoop-Django-based open source e-commerce platform.
Sublime Text
Visual Studio
Visual Studio Code
Library for Python version control and virtual environment management *
pyenv-Simple Python version control.
virtualenv-A tool for creating isolated Python environments.
Library for file manipulation and MIME type detection *
mimetypes-Map filenames to MIME types (Python standard library).
pathlib-Cross-platform object-oriented path library (Python standard library since Python 3.4).
PyFilesystem2-Python's filesystem abstraction layer.
python-magic --Python interface to libmagic file type identification library.
Unipath-An object-oriented approach to file / directory operations.
watchdog-API and shell utility for monitoring file system events.
Library for providing external function interface *
cffi-External function interface for calling C language in Python.
ctypes-External function interface for calling C language in Python (Python standard library).
PyCUDA-A Python wrapper for Nvidia's CUDA API.
SWIG-Simple wrapper and interface generator.
Library for handling forms *
Deform --Python HTML form generation library affected by formish form generation library.
django-bootstrap3 --Integration of Bootstrap 3 with Django.
django-bootstrap4 --Integration of Bootstrap 4 with Django.
django-crispy-forms-A Django application that allows you to create beautiful forms with very elegant, DRY.
django-remote-forms-Platform-independent Django form serializer.
WTForms-Flexible form validation and rendering library.
Functional programming in Python *
Coconut-Coconut is a Python extension made for simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
fn.py --Functional programming in Python: Implementation of missing features to enjoy functional programming.
funcy-Fancy and practical functional tool.
more-itertools-A library for manipulating iterables beyond ʻitertools`.
returns-A set of type-safe monads, transformers, and composition utilities.
Toolz-A collection of functional utilities for iterators, functions and dictionaries.
CyToolz --Toolz implementation in Cython: High performance feature utility.
Library for working with graphical user interface applications *
curses --used to create terminal GUI applications ncurses Built-in wrapper for / software / ncurses /).
Eel-A small library for creating offline HTML / JS GUI applications like Electron, with full access to Python features and libraries.
enaml-Create a beautiful user interface using declarative syntax like QML.
Flexx --Flexx is a pure Python toolkit for creating GUIs that use web technology for rendering.
Gooey-Turn a command line program into a complete GUI application in one line.
kivy-A library for creating NUI applications that run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, and iOS.
pyglet-Cross-platform windows and multimedia libraries for Python.
PyGObject --Python binding for GLib / GObject / GIO / GTK + (GTK + 3).
PySimpleGUI-wrapper for tkinter, Qt, WxPython, and Remi.
pywebview --A lightweight cross-platform native wrapper around webview components.
Tkinter-Tkinter is Python's de facto standard GUI package.
tkui --A GUI maker that can perform live GUI editing.
Toga --Python native, OS native GUI toolkit.
urwid-A library for creating terminal GUI applications with strong support for widgets, events, rich colors and more.
wxPython-a blend of wxWidgets C ++ class library and Python.
Library to use with GraphQL *
tartiflette-SDL-first GraphQL engine implementation for Python 3.6+ and asyncio.
tartiflette-aiohttp-Tartiflette's ʻaiohttp`-based wrapper for exposing the GraphQL API over HTTP.
tartiflette-asgi --ASGI support for the Tartiflette GraphQL engine.
Great game development library *
Cocos2d-cocos2d is a framework for building 2D games, demos, and other graphical / interactive applications.
Harfang3D --3D, VR, Python framework for game development.
Panda3D-A 3D game engine developed by Disney and managed by Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center.
Pygame-Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing games.
PyOgre --Python bindings for the Ogre 3D rendering engine can be used for games, simulations, and other 3D.
PyOpenGL-OpenGL Python ctypes bindings and related APIs.
PySDL2-ctypes-based wrapper for the SDL2 library.
RenPy-Visual Novel Engine.
A library for geocoding addresses and handling latitude and longitude *
django-countries-A Django app that provides country fields for models and forms.
GeoDjango-A world-class geographic web framework.
GeoIP --MaxMind GeoIP Python API for legacy databases.
geojson --Python bindings and utilities for GeoJSON.
geopy --Python Geocoding Toolbox.
pygeoip-Pure Python GeoIP API.
Library for handling HTML and XML *
BeautifulSoup-Provides a Python idiom for repeatedly searching and modifying HTML and XML.
bleach-Whitelist-based HTML sanitization and text link library.
cssutils-CSS library for Python.
html5lib-A standard compliant library for parsing and serializing HTML documents and fragments.
lxml-A very fast, easy-to-use and versatile library for processing HTML and XML.
MarkupSafe-Implement Python's XML / HTML / XHTML markup safety strings.
pyquery --A jQuery-like library for parsing TML.
untangle-Easily access XML documents by converting them to Python objects.
WeasyPrint-A visual rendering engine for HTML and CSS that allows you to export to PDF.
xmldataset-Simple XML parsing.
xmltodict-You can work with XML as you would with JSON.
Library for handling HTTP *
grequests --request + gevent for asynchronous HTTP requests.
httplib2-Comprehensive HTTP client library.
httpx-Next generation HTTP client.
requests --HTTP requests to Humans ™.
treq-Python request like API built on top of Twisted's HTTP client.
urllib3-Thread-safe connection pooling, file post support, friendly HTTP library.
Library for hardware programming *
keyboard-Hooks and simulates global keyboard events on Windows and Linux.
mouse-Hooks and simulates global mouse events on Windows and Linux.
Pingo-Pingo provides a unified API for programming devices such as Raspberry Pi, pcDuino, Intel Galileo.
Pyro - Python Robotics.
PyUserInput-A module for cross-platform mouse and keyboard control.
scapy-A splendid packet manipulation library.
wifi-Python library and command line tools for working with WiFi on Linux.
Library for manipulating images *
hmap --Remapping the image histogram.
imgSeek-A project to search a collection of images using visual similarities.
nude.py --Nudity detection.
pagan-Generate a retro identicon (avatar) based on the input string and hash.
pyBarcode-Create barcodes in Python without the need for PIL.
pygram-Image filter like Instagram.
python-qrcode-Pure Python QR code generator.
Quads-Computer art based on quadtrees.
scikit-image --Scientific) Python library for image processing.
thumbor-Smart Imaging Service. Allows on-demand creation, image resizing and inversion.
wand-MagickWand Python bindings, ImageMagick C API.
Python implementation *
CPython-** The most widely used implementation of the Python programming language written in C by default. ** Optimization of Static Compiler for Python. Compiling Python into a C or C ++ module using the type mix-in can significantly improve performance.
Cython-Python-optimized static compiler.
CLPython --Implementation of the Python programming language written in Common Lisp.
Grumpy-A more powerful replacement for CPython 2.7 (Alpha) with a compiler than an interpreter.
IronPython-Python written in C #.
Jython-Implementation of the Python programming language written in Java for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
MicroPython-Efficient and efficient implementation of the Python programming language.
Numba-A Python JIT compiler for LLVM for scientific Python.
PeachPy-x86-64 assembler built into Python.
Pyjion-Python JIT based on CoreCLR.
PyPy-Very fast Python.
Pyston-Python implementation built using JIT technology.
Stackless Python-An extension of the Python programming language.
Interactive Python Interpreter (REPL) *
bpython-A nifty interface to the Python interpreter.
Jupyter Notebook (IPython)-A rich toolkit for interactive use of Python.
ptpython-Advanced Python REPL on python-prompt-toolkit It is built.
Library for i18n *
Babel-Python international library.
PyICU-A wrapper for international components for the Unicode C ++ Library (ICU).
Library for scheduling jobs *
APScheduler (http://apscheduler.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)-A lightweight yet powerful in-process task scheduler that allows you to schedule features.
django-schedule-Django's calendar app.
doit-Task Runner and Build Tools.
gunnery-A versatile task execution tool for distributed systems with a web-based interface.
Joblib-A set of tools that provide lightweight pipe lining in Python.
Plan-Write a crontab file in Python.
schedule --Python job scheduling.
Spiff-A powerful workflow engine implemented in pure Python.
TaskFlow-A Python library that makes task execution easy, consistent, and reliable.
Airflow --Airflow is a platform for creating, scheduling, and monitoring workflows programmatically.
Library for generating and working with logs *
Eliot-Logging for complex and distributed systems.
logbook --Python logging replacement.
logging --Python logging function (Python standard library).
raven-Sentry's Python client, log / error tracking, crash reporting, web application aggregation platform.
Library for machine learning *
See also Awesome Machine Learning *
H2O-Open source, fast and flexible machine learning platform.
Metrics-Machine learning evaluation index.
NuPIC-Numenta platform for intelligent computing.
scikit-learn --Machine Learning's most common Python library.
Spark ML-Apache Spark scalable machine learning library.
A lightweight Python wrapper for vowpal_porpoise-Vowpal Wabbit.
xgboost-Scalable, portable, distributed, gradient boosting library.
Microsoft Windows
Python programming on Microsoft Windows *
Python (x, y)-A scientific application-oriented Python distribution based on Qt and Spyder.
pythonlibs-Unofficial Windows binaries for Python extension packages.
PythonNet-Integration of Python and the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR).
PyWin32-Python extension for Windows.
WinPython --Portable development environment for Windows 7/8.
Useful libraries or tools that do not fit into the above categories *
blinker-Fast Python in-process signal / event dispatch system.
boltons-A set of Python utilities.
itsdangerous-Various helpers for passing trusted data to untrusted environments.
pluginbase-A simple but flexible plugin system for Python.
tryton-General-purpose business framework.
Tools and libraries for virtual networking and SDN (Software Defined Networking) *
mininet-A common network emulator and API written in Python.
napalm-Cross-vendor API for manipulating network devices.
pox-An open source development platform for Python-based Software Defined Network (SDN) control applications, such as the OpenFlow SDN controller.
Library for building user activity *
django-activity-stream-Generate a generic activity stream from your site's actions.
Stream Framework --Building a news feed and notification system using Cassandra and Redis.
Library for package and dependency management *
pip --Python package installer.
pip-tools-A toolset to keep your fixed Python dependencies fresh.
poetry-Easy Python dependency management and packaging.
conda-Cross-platform, Python-independent binary package manager.
Local PyPI repository server and proxy *
warehouse-Next Generation Python Package Repository (PyPI).
bandersnatch-PyPI mirroring tool provided by the Python Packaging Authority (PyPA).
devpi-PyPI server and packaging / testing / release tools.
localshop-Local PyPI server (automatic mirroring of custom packages and pypi).
A library that allows or denies users access to data or features *
django-guardian --Django 1.2 or later implementation of per-object permissions.
django-rules-A small, powerful application that provides Django with object-level permissions without the need for a database.
Library for starting and communicating OS processes *
delegator.py --[Subprocesses] by Humans ™ (https://docs.python.org/3/library/subprocess.html).
sarge --Another wrapper for subprocess.
sh-Complete subprocess replacement for Python.
Library for building a recommendation system *
annoy --Memory usage optimized C ++ / Python Nearest Neighbor Search.
fastFM-Library for factorization machines.
implicit-A fast Python implementation of collaborative filtering on implicit datasets.
libffm --Library for Field-aware Factorization Machine (FFM).
lightfm-Python implementation of many popular recommendation algorithms.
spotlight-Deep recommender model using PyTorch.
surprise --scikit. For building and analyzing recommendation systems.
tensorrec --TensorFlow's recommendation engine framework.
Python refactoring tools and libraries *
Bicycle Repair Man --Refactoring tool with Python.
Bowler-Safely refactors into modern Python.
Rope --Python refactoring library.
Framework agnostic
Library for robotics *
[Python Robotics](https://github.com/AtsushiSakai/Python Robotics)-This is a variety of compiled and visualized robot algorithms.
rospy-A library for ROS (Robot Operating System).
RPC compatible server *
zeroRPC --zerorpc is ZeroMQ and MessagePack A flexible RPC implementation based on.
RPyC (Remote Python Call)-Transparent and symmetric RPC library for Python.
Library for scientific calculations *
astropy-Community Python library for astronomy.
bcbio-nextgen-Provides a best practice pipeline for fully automated high-throughput sequencing analysis.
bccb-A collection of useful code related to biological analysis.
Biopython --Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological calculations.
cclib-A library for analyzing and interpreting the results of computational chemistry packages.
Color-Conversion of color theory and implementation of a comprehensive number of algorithms.
Karate Club-Unsupervised machine learning toolbox for graph structured data.
NetworkX-Highly productive software for complex networks.
NIPY-A collection of neuroimaging toolkits.
NumPy-Basic package of scientific calculations using Python.
Open Babel-A chemical toolbox designed to speak many languages of chemical data.
ObsPy-Python toolbox for seismology.
PyDy-Used to assist workflows in modeling dynamic behavior. Abbreviation for Python Dynamics.
PyMC --Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling Toolkit.
RDKit-Cheminformatics and Machine Learning Software.
QuTiP --Quantum Toolbox.
SciPy-A Python-based ecosystem of open source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.
SimPy-Process-based distributed event simulation framework
statsmodels-Statistical modeling and econometrics in Python.
SymPy-Python library for symbolic mathematics.
Zipline --Python algorithm trading library.
Libraries and software for data indexing and retrieval *
elasticsearch-py-[Elasticsearch](https://www.elastic.co/ products / elasticsearch) official low-level Python client.
elasticsearch-dsl-py --Official high-level Python client for Elasticsearch.
django-haystack --Django module search.
Lightweight Python wrapper for pysolr-Apache Solr (including SolrCloud awareness).
whoosh-Fast and pure Python search engine library.
Library for serializing complex data types *
marshmallow-A lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python data types.
Python bindings for pysimdjson-simdjson.
python-rapidjson-RapidJSON Python wrapper.
ultrajson-A fast JSON decoder and encoder written in C using Python bindings.
Framework for developing serverless Python code *
python-lambda-A toolkit for developing and deploying Python code on AWS Lambda.
Zappa-A tool for deploying WSGI applications on AWS Lambda and API Gateway.
Static site generator is software that takes text + template as input and generates HTML file *
mkdocs --Document generator with high affinity with Markdown.
pelican-Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax.
lektor-Easy-to-use static CMS and blog engine.
nikola-Static website and blog generator.
Library for tagging items *
django-taggit-Django's simple tagging.
Library for manipulating event and task queues *
celery-Asynchronous task queue / job queue based on distributed message passing.
huey --Little multithreaded task queue.
mrq --Mr. Queue --Python distributed worker task queue with Redis & gevent.
rq --Python simple job queue.
Libraries and tools for templates and lexing *
Jinja2-Modern and designer-friendly template language. Template-> Temple-> Jinja.
Genshi-Python template toolkit for generating web-enabled output.
Mako-Fast and lightweight templates for platforms.
Library for accessing third party service APIs *
See also List of Python API Wrappers and Libraries (https://github.com/realpython/list-of-python-api-wrappers) *
apache-libcloud-Python library for all clouds.
boto3-Python interface to Amazon Web Services.
django-wordpress-WordPress model and Django view.
facebook-sdk --Facebook Platform Python SDK.
google-api-python-client --Google API client library for Python.
gspread --Google Spreadsheet Python API.
twython-Python wrapper for the Twitter API.
Library for parsing URLs *
furl-A small Python library that simplifies URL parsing and manipulation.
purl-A simple, immutable URL class with a clean API for queries and operations.
pyshorteners-A pure Python URL shortening library.
webargs-A friendly library for parsing HTTP request arguments with built-in support for popular web frameworks.
Library for working with videos and GIFs *
vidgear-The most powerful multithreaded video processing framework.
moviepy-Script-based movie editing modules in many formats, including animated GIFs.
scikit-video --SciPy's video processing routines.
Tools for managing and compressing website assets *
django-compressor-Compress links and inline JavaScript or CSS into a single cache file.
django-pipeline-Asset packaging library for Django.
django-storages --Custom storage backend collection for Django.
fanstatic-Packaging, optimizing, and providing static file dependencies as Python packages.
Library for extracting web content *
html2text --Convert HTML to Markdown format text.
lassie-Web content search for humans.
micawber-A small library for extracting rich content from URLs.
newspaper-Newspaper extraction, article extraction, Python content curation.
python-readability --A fast Python port for arc90 readability tools.
requests-html --Pythonic HTML Pershing for Humans.
sumy-Module for automatic summarization of text documents and HTML pages.
textract-Extracts text from any document, Word, PowerPoint, PDF, etc.
toapi-All websites provide APIs.
Library for automating web scraping *
cola-Distributed crawl framework.
feedparser-Universal feed parser
Grab-Site scraping framework.
MechanicalSoup-A Python library for automating interactions with websites.
pyspider-Powerful spider system.
robobrowser-A simple Pythonic library for browsing the web without using a standalone web browser.
scrapy-Fast, high-level screen scraping and web crawling framework.
portia-Visual scraping for Scrapy.
Library for handling WebSocket *
autobahn-python --Twisted and asyncio WebSocket & WAMP for Python ..
channels-Django's developer-friendly async library.
websockets-A library for building WebSocket servers and clients with a focus on accuracy and simplicity.
WSGI compatible web server *
bjoern-Asynchronous, very fast, written in C.
gunicorn-Preforked and partially written in C.
uWSGI-The project aims to develop a complete stack for building hosting services written in C.
waitress --Multithreaded, powers Pyramid.
werkzeug-WSGI utility library for Python that allows you to authorize Flask and easily embed it in your own projects.
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