[JAVA] JSUG Study Group 2018 Part 4 Spring 5 & Spring Boot 2 Hands-on Impressions

Sponsored by Japan Spring User Association ** JSUG Study Group 2018 Part 4 Spring 5 & Spring Boot 2 Hands-on ** I went to.


The instructor is @suke_masa from Casa Real, who is frequently announced at JJUG CCC.

The content is a 30-minute lecture (a perfect time!) And It was hands-on of Spring5 and SpringBoot2 for the remaining two and a half hours.

Lecture slides https://www.slideshare.net/masatoshitada7/30spring-5-spring-boot-2-103523666

Hands-on teaching materials https://github.com/MasatoshiTada/spring5-boot2-handson

Lecture: Spring 5 & Spring Boot 2 overview in 30 minutes even for the first time

For Spring beginners What is DI that is difficult to verbalize? What is SpringBoot? Etc. explained with a feeling that it fell in my heart. Features from Spring 5 In Japan, where JPA has a lot of refusal (I feel like), including myself, the expected Spring Data JDBC and Spring Test compatible with JUnit 5.


In the source code of the teaching material, the part that needs to be corrected is specified by TODO, I was able to proceed easily. In the Spring5 part, it was designed to deepen the understanding of configuration files that Spring Boot does not notice. Also, the test code using Spring Data JDBC and @SpringJUnitConfig mentioned in the slide was very helpful. The image of Spring Data JDBC seems to be considerably lower than JPA. Since it is said that only the interface is defined and the implementation class is created at startup, I wonder what happens in a large-scale system. Is there a workaround? It takes a lot of research, such as implementing pagination, to hire, but I'm glad that we have the option to replace JPA.

In the SpringBoot2 part It was a format that made me understand that the config created in the Spring 5 part would be unnecessary. When I touched Spring Boot, it couldn't work as I expected somewhere. I'm learning AutoCofigure, but if I do this hands-on first, it seems that my intuition will work.


For me, who implemented it in SpringBoot1 system, it was a hands-on that was very helpful to grasp the correction points in a short time. Thank you @suke_masa!

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