[JAVA] Practice of binary search method

Summary of what we did

I wrote the algorithm of the Basic Information Technology Engineer Examination as a practice in my own way.

Common parts for use with other algorithms

A class created so that it can be used for practice such as linear search.

A class that prints the search results.


 *A class that prints a message of search results
 * @author hatena
import java.util.List;

public class MessagePrinter {

    public void printFoundMessages(int targetNumber, List<Integer> targetList) {
        System.out.println("Number of objects to search in the list" + targetNumber + "Existed.");
        System.out.println("The search target list is" + targetList + "was.");
        System.out.println("The index of the number of search targets is" + targetList.indexOf(targetNumber) + "is.");

    public void printNotFoundMessages(int targetNumber, List<Integer> targetList) {
        System.out.println("Number of objects to search in the list" + targetNumber + "Did not exist.");
        System.out.println("The list to be searched is" + targetList + "was.");


A class that creates a list of random integers.

The java.util.Random class had an ints () method that returned a specified range of IntStream. I feel that the random numbers are biased. .. ..


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
 *A class that creates a list of random positive integers.
 * @author hatena
public class RandomListCreator {

    public int lengthOfList;
    public int maximumNumber;//ex:If you specify 50, the list generated will include 50.

     *A method that returns an unsorted list of integers of a specified length.
    public List<Integer> createRandUnorderdList() {

        //Random number generation class
        Random rand = new Random();

        List<Integer> unorderdRandlist =
                .ints(this.lengthOfList, 0, this.maximumNumber + 1)

        return unorderdRandlist;


Binary search method main part

At the moment, only ascending order is supported.

Class with binary search method function


import java.util.List;
import lombok.Data;

 *Binary search method (target sequences are currently only available in ascending order)
 * @author hatena
public class BinSearch {

    //Start / center / end index
    //Search target list, flag of whether found
    private int beginIndex;
    private int midIndex;
    private int lastIndex;
    private List<Integer> targetList;
    private boolean isFound;

    //constructor. Calculate the central index with the start and end indexes.
    public BinSearch(List<Integer> targetList) {
        this.targetList = targetList;
        this.beginIndex = 0;
        this.lastIndex = targetList.size() - 1;
        this.midIndex = (this.beginIndex + this.lastIndex) / 2;
        this.isFound = false;

     *Binary search method A method that performs the main body
    public void findTargetNumber(int targetNumber) {

        //Continue searching while the leading index of the list to be checked is less than or equal to the closing index
        //If not found, isFound remains false and the loop ends
        while (beginIndex <= lastIndex) {
            //Determine if the median of the list is equal to the number of targets
            //If they are equal, update isFound and end the loop.
            if (targetList.get(midIndex) == targetNumber) {
                isFound = true;

            } else if (targetList.get(midIndex) > targetNumber) {
                //Determine if the central index value of the list is larger, update the index to be checked
                lastIndex = midIndex - 1;
                midIndex = (beginIndex + lastIndex) / 2;
            } else {
                //Determine if the list center index value is smaller and update the index to be checked
                beginIndex = midIndex + 1;
                midIndex = (beginIndex + lastIndex) / 2;

The main class that performs the binary search method


import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
import bisearch.BinSearch;
import common.MessagePrinter;
import common.RandomListCreator;

 *Binary search method execution class
 * @author hatena
public class MainBinSearch {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Create an instance for standard input and result display
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

        //Ask the user to enter the information (length, maximum number in the list) needed to create a random list.
        //Instantiate a class that creates a random list
        System.out.print("Enter the length of the list as a positive integer:");
        int lengthOfList = scanner.nextInt();
        System.out.print("Enter the maximum number to include in the list:");
        int maximumNumber = scanner.nextInt();

        //Create an ascending list of random numbers
        RandomListCreator listCreator = new RandomListCreator(lengthOfList, maximumNumber);
        List<Integer> targetList = listCreator.createRandUnorderdList();
        System.out.println("I made a list of random numbers in ascending order.");

        //Enter the number you want to find as standard
        System.out.print("Enter the number you want to search for 2 minutes:");
        int targetNumber = scanner.nextInt();

        //Instance creation for binary search, search method execution
        BinSearch binSearch = new BinSearch(targetList);

        //Create an instance for displaying messages
        MessagePrinter messagePrinter = new MessagePrinter();

        //Display a message according to the search result
        if (binSearch.isFound()) {
            messagePrinter.printFoundMessages(targetNumber, binSearch.getTargetList());
        } else {
            messagePrinter.printNotFoundMessages(targetNumber, binSearch.getTargetList());


Result example

■ When the target number exists in the list

Enter the length of the list as a positive integer: 10
Enter the maximum number to include in the list: 15
I made a list of random numbers in ascending order.
Enter the number you want to search for 2 minutes:3
There were 3 search targets in the list.
The search target list is[0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15]was.
The index of the number of objects to be searched is 3.

■ When the target number does not exist in the list

Enter the length of the list as a positive integer: 10
Enter the maximum number to include in the list: 15
I made a list of random numbers in ascending order.
Enter the number you want to search for 2 minutes:3
The number 3 to be searched was not found in the list.
The list to be searched is[1, 1, 8, 10, 10, 11, 11, 14, 14, 14]was.

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