[Python] How to make a class iterable

Contents This is an explanation article on how to perform iterative processing [^ 1] in a Python class. Each code can be downloaded from the GitHub repository.

[^ 1]: Qiita: Python for statement ~ What is iterable ~


iteration = IterClass(["a", "ab", "abc", "bb", "cc"])
print([v for v in iteration if "a" in v])
# ['a', 'ab', 'abc']
Execution environment
OS Windows Subsystem for Linux
Python version 3.8.5


It can be implemented by the special methods of the class __iter__ [^ 2] and the yield from syntax [^ 3]. Stores a list or tuple and returns it in order from the beginning when called as an iterative process.

[^ 2]: Life with Python: How to use Python's iterator generation class [^ 3]: blanktar: What is the yield from python3.3


class IterClass(object):
    Iterable class.

        values (list[object] or tuple(object)): list of values

        TypeError: @values is not a list/tuple

    def __init__(self, values):
        if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError("@values must be a list or tuple.")
        self._values = values

    def __iter__(self):
        yield from self._values

Application (combination with __bool__)

In the above example, I don't feel the significance of creating a new class, so I made an advanced version.

Creating the smallest unit

First create the smallest unit ʻUnit` class returned by iterative processing.


class Unit(object):
    The smallest unit.

    def __init__(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, (float, int)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"@value must be integer or float value, but {value} was applied.")
        self._value = value
        self._enabled = True

    def __bool__(self):
        return self._enabled

    def value(self):
        float: value of the unit
        return self._value

    def enable(self):
        Enable the unit.
        self._enabled = True

    def disable(self):
        Disable the unit.
        self._enabled = False

ʻUnit has a unique value and state (bool`: True / False).

Creating a Unit:


unit1 = Unit(value=1.0)
#Display value if Unit status is True
if unit1:
# 1.0

State to False:


# Disable
#Display value if Unit status is True
if unit1:
#No output

State to True:


# Disable
#Display value if Unit status is True
if unit1:
# 1.0

Class to iterate

Create a class Series that stores the information of multiple ʻUnit`s and iterates.


class Series(object):
    A series of units.

    def __init__(self):
        self._units = []

    def __iter__(self):
        yield from self._units

    def add(self, unit):
        Append a unit.

            unit (Unit]): the smallest unit

            TypeError: unit is not an instance of Unit
        if not isinstance(unit, Unit):
            raise TypeError("@unit must be a instance of Unit")

    def _validate_index(self, num):
        Validate the index number.

            num (int): index number of a unit

            TypeError: @num is not an integer
            IndexError: @num is not a valid index number
        if not isinstance(num, int):
            raise TypeError(
                f"@num must be integer, but {num} was applied.")
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError(f"@num must be under {len(self._units)}")

    def enable(self, num):
        Enable a unit.

            num (int): index of the unit to be enabled

            TypeError: @num is not an integer
            IndexError: @num is not a valid index number

    def disable(self, num):
        Disable a unit.

            num (int): index of the unit to be disabled

            TypeError: @num is not an integer
            IndexError: @num is not a valid index number

A function that returns the value of a Unit whose state is True

To check the behavior of the Series class, create a function that returns the value of the Unit whose state is True.


def show_enabled(series):
    Show the values of enabled units.
    if not isinstance(series, Series):
        raise TypeError("@unit must be a instance of Series")
    print([unit.value for unit in series if unit])

Behavior check

Register ʻUnit with Series and display all ʻUnit values.


# Create a series of units
series = Series()
[series.add(Unit(i)) for i in range(6)]
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

If the state of the 5th and 6th Units (values are 4 and 5) is set to False ...


# Disable two units
# [0, 1, 2, 3]

When the state of the 5th Unit (value is 4) is returned to True ...


# Enable one disabled unit
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]


Thank you for browsing. Thank you for your hard work.

How did you create this article: I used this mechanism in my own Python package CovsirPhy: COVID-19 analysis with phase-dependent SIRs. -PhaseUnit: Period during which the parameter values of the ODE model are constant -PhaseSeries: Infected Number Scenario

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