[JAVA] Links I want to help when JSF doesn't work at all

Scope annotation Backing bean life
@RequestScoped One call(request)And the response to it(response)Survive for
@SessionScoped While the HTTP session continues(While logged in)Survival
@ApplicationScoped Survival while the web application is running
@ConversationScoped Programmatically control start and end between one or more requests
@Dependent Take over the scope of the injection destination(Used when the scope cannot be determined in advance)
@ViewScoped It survives until just before the JSF page displayed by the request is switched to another page. It survives even if the screen is reloaded.


Basic requirements for CDI bean class from Java EE 7
a.Being a concrete class
b.Have a default constructor with no arguments
c.Not an inner class with static

Rule of method specified in action attribute of JSF
a.Be public
b.No arguments
c.Return String. This return value will be the outcome.

Other Java

A collection of sites that teach you the basics of Java-Qiita

I was in trouble

-[JSF did not apply CSS and the server.log output One or more resources have the target of'head', but no'head' component has been defined within the view.-Qiita](https:: //qiita.com/ponsuke0531/items/ef50784e1378316b6513) -When the JSF screen is displayed, javax.el.ELException: Not a Valid Method Expression: --Qiita

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