Differences in writing in Ruby, PHP, Java, JS


"I learned the basics of programming in Ruby, so let's try js next time!" ↓ "I don't know what it is because it's messed up!"

Is there such a person?

I myself used to stuff it too much and it became a bun, so I tried to summarize the differences in writing style in an easy-to-understand manner. You don't have to remember each one, so please stock this article. I think you will deepen your understanding of object-oriented programming, so please take a look to the end!

Character output

Output of basic characters. It's difficult because the processing is different depending on the language, but it's basic, so let's hold it firmly. After all Java has a long description w


  puts "Hello"


  echo "Hello";

Variable assignment

It is a super basic of programming, variable assignment.


  name = "Tom"


  $name = "Tom";
  //Java(Specify a type such as String, int, etc.)
  String name = "Tom";
  let name = "Tom";

Variable expansion, string + variable

I also use this a lot. They are all similar, but there are differences. * The writing method is just an example.


  "my name is#{name}is."


  "my name is{$name}is."
  "my name is"+ name + "is."
  //JavaScript(''not``(Back quotation)Surround with)
  `my name is${name}is.`

if statement

The representative of processing is the if statement. Note the difference in elsif.


  if age >= 20
  elsif age >= 10


  if (age>= 20){
  }elseif (age >= 10){
  //Java & JavaScript
  if (age>= 20){
  }else if (age >= 10){

Array and how to retrieve

I often use array retrieval, and there are various methods for extracting one by one depending on the language.


  names = ["Tom","Kenta","John"]


  $names = array("Tom","Kenta","John");
  String names[] = {"Tom","Kenta","John"};
  const names = ["Tom","Kenta","John"];

Hash, associative array, object and how to retrieve

Be careful when searching, as the names differ depending on the language.


  user = {name: "Tom",age: 20}


  #PHP(Associative array)
  $user = array("name" => "Tom","age" => 20)
  const user = {name: "Tom",age: 20};

Normal methods and functions

This is the important point. This time I created an add method (function) that sums the two values. The return value is also important, so hold it firmly.


  def add(a, b)
    return a + b
  sum = add(5, 2)


  function add($a, $b){
    return $a + $b;
  $sum = add(5, 2);
  public static int add(int a, int b){
  //int after static specifies the return type, use void for methods with no return value
    return a + b; 
  int sum = add(5, 2);
  const add = function(a, b){
    return a + b;
  let sum = add(5,2);

  const add = (a, b) => {
    return a + b;
  let sum = add(5,2);

  function add (a, b){
    return a + b;
  let sum = add(5,2);

The recommended description of js differs depending on the version.

Class and instance creation

The long-awaited object-oriented beginning! A Menu class is created, and an instance is created based on that class and assigned to the variable menu1.


  class Menu
  menu1 = Menu.new


  class Menu{
  $menu1 = new Menu();
  class Menu{
  Menu menu1 = new Menu();
  class Menu{
  const menu1 = new Menu();

Definition of instance variables, instance fields, and properties

The menu contains "information" such as name and price. Declare it in advance in the class.


  attr_accessor :name
  attr_accessor :price


  private $name;
  private $price;
  private String name;
  private int price;
  //No predefinition required?

Assignment to instance variables and properties in the initial method

Now, I've come to a place I don't understand! The initial method is the method that is called when it is new (the very first). This time, the value specified in the new argument is entered in the variable as instance information in the initial method.


  def initialize(name, price)
    self.name = name
    self.price = price
  menu1 = Menu.new("Hamburger",300)


  public function __construct($name,$price){
    this->name = $name;
    this->price = $price;
  $menu1 = new Menu("Hamburger",300);
  //Define a method with the same name as the class in the class
  Menu(String name, int price){
    this.name = name;
    this.price = price;
  Menu menu1 = new Menu("Hamburger",300)
  constructor (name, price){
    this.name = name;
    this.price = price;
  const menu1 = new Menu("Hamburger",300)

Instance methods and calls

Well last. Instances have "processing" in addition to "information". This time, how to define and call the process. Since the instance created from the Menu class is assigned to the variable menu1, The output will be "This hamburger costs 300 yen".


  def show
    puts "this#{self.name}Is#{self.price}It's a yen"


  public function show(){
    echo "this{$this->name}Is{$this->price}It's a yen";
  public void show(){
    System.out.println("this"+this.name+"Is"+this.price+"It's a yen");
    console.log(`this${this.name}Is${this.price}It's a yen`);

At the end

Thank you for watching until the end. There may be omissions and mistakes, but please be patient! !!

It is said that it is not so good to learn shallowly and widely in this world, but I think it is good to try another language to deepen your knowledge.

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