I've just started using ʻOpneCV` in Python I tried various things and stumbled I'm going to write it hard.
When you pick it up and talk
** LUT
is amazing! **
I thought
** I tried using LUT
! **
It is the content.
(As a result) I also compared the performance with my own color tone conversion function.
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I learned about Computer Vision (CV) in a university class (paperwork). For the first time, I came across something called "** tone curve **". What is a tone curve [^ 1]
Each pixel of a digital image has a value (pixel value) that represents its shading. In order to change the shading of an image, how is the pixel value of the output image associated with the pixel value of the input image? The function that gives such a correspondence is called the gray-level transformarion function, and the graphic representation of it is called the tone curve.
Looking at the net, it seems to be familiar to those who like cameras.
Among the tone curves that appeared in the textbook, there were the following two. (* Of course, many others have appeared)
The horizontal axis is ** input pixel value **, and the vertical axis is ** output (converted) pixel value **.
![]() |
![]() |
Figure 1 | Figure 2 |
Put simply ** Contrast conversion ** and ** Conversion that lowers contrast **.
This part of the class was already over half a year ago. I wanted to actually apply this tone curve to the image.
Expressed as a function, it is as follows (x is the input pixel value 0 to 255).
Function in Figure 1:
f(x) = \begin{cases} 2 \cdot x & (x < 128) \\ 255 & (otherwise)
Function in Figure 2:
f(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & (x < 128) \\ 2 \cdot x - 255 & (otherwise)
It looks like it can be generalized, but let's leave that for now.
First of all, I decided to write the code shown in Figure 1. But ... it got stuck immediately.
When I came up with the above function I thought I could simply double the element values in the original array of pixel values.
Conversion function
def toneCurve(frame):
return 2 * frame
frame = cv2.imread('.\\image\\castle.jpg')
cv2.imwrite('cas.jpg', toneCurve(frame))
is an array of pixel values
But it didn't work. The output image is as follows.
The original image | Converted image |
![]() |
![]() |
Apparently, if you simply double the pixel value obtained by cv2.imread ()
Anything greater than 255 (maximum) will be 255 instead of being complemented
It seemed to convert the value cyclically and return it.
(ex:256=0, 260=4)
It ’s very horrible and I like this one The purpose is not this image, so I will improve it.
If you look it up, you can use cv2.add ()
It seems that values above 255 are treated as 255.
I tried.
Add your own pixel value to yourself = constant times Because it means The conversion function looks like this:
Conversion function
def toneCurve11(frame, n = 1):
tmp = frame
if n > 1:
for i in range(1,n):
tmp = cv2.add(tmp, frame)
return tmp
is an array of pixel values
represents the number of times the pixel value is multiplied, that is, the number of times it is added.
Then it is the result.
The original image | Converted image |
![]() |
![]() |
Yes! This is what I was looking for! It output an image with increased contrast. (Was the grayscale image better?)
However, how can we achieve the conversion shown in Fig. 2 by just adding this method? Do you want to output an image?
** I came up with a quick hit **: fireworks:
What I came up with is this.
** Negative / Positive Inversion
> cv2.add ()
> Negative / Positive Inversion
It looks like this in the figure.
![]() |
![]() |
1.No conversion | 2.Negative / positive reversal |
![]() |
![]() |
3.cv2.add()Doubled with | 4.Negative / positive reversal |
The changes are in the order of 1, 2, 3, 4.
The conversion code is as follows.
Conversion function
def negaPosi(frame):
return 255 - frame
def toneCurve21(frame, n = 1):
if n > 1:
return negaPoso(toneCurve11(negaPosi(frame), n))
return frame
As before
is an array of pixel values
represents the number of times the pixel value is multiplied, that is, the number of times it is added.
Well then, the result.
The original image | Converted image |
![]() |
![]() |
The image with reduced contrast was output safely.
Even if I do the above, it works well. I felt like I was being asked about ** order **, so I decided to look into other methods.
Then, cv2 seems to have a convenient one called ** LUT (Look Up Table)
Moreover, if the order can be made quite small ...
LUT I've taken some approaches above, but in the end If you replace the acquired pixel value with another pixel value, you can convert it.
Here, the possible values of pixel values are ** at most 256 ways ** from 0 to 255. If so, have a correspondence table in which the conversion destination value for a certain pixel value is registered in advance. When referring to a pixel value, instead of calculating the pixel value itself Computational costs can be reduced by simply replacing them.
Here is a brief description of the LUT.
For example, the following correspondence table can be considered.
Reference pixel | Change destination | |
0 | -> | 0 |
1 | -> | 2 |
... | ... | |
127 | -> | 254 |
128 | -> | 255 |
... | ... | |
255 | -> | 255 |
Yes, this table is the correspondence table of the tone curves in Figure 1.
If the pixel value of frame [90] [90] is
If it was [12, 245, 98]
After applying the LUT
It becomes [24, 255, 196]
We will actually use the LUT.
Conversion function
def toneCurve12(frame, n = 1):
look_up_table = np.zeros((256,1), dtype = 'uint8')
for i in range(256):
if i < 256 / n:
look_up_table[i][0] = i * n
look_up_table[i][0] = 255
return cv2.LUT(frame, look_up_table)
is an array of pixel values
indicates how many times the pixel value should be multiplied.
look_up_table = np.zeros((256,1), dtype = 'uint8')
For the part of, create a correspondence table (256 x 1) for conversion.
At this stage, the following values are still stored.
>>> look_up_table = np.zeros((256,1), dtype = 'uint8')
>>> look_up_table
[0]], dtype=uint8)
>>> len(look_up_table)
From the next line, we will store the values referenced in this array.
for i in range(256):
if i < 256 / n:
look_up_table[i][0] = i * n
look_up_table[i][0] = 255
Regarding the part of, we will register the pixel values in the correspondence table for conversion created earlier.
if i < 256 / n:
The part of is a generalization of the conditional expression so that it works even if the pixel value is n times. (ex: n = 3 [3 times the pixel value])
return cv2.LUT(frame, look_up_table)
Regarding the part of, the correspondence is taken by the LUT registered earlier, Returns the converted image data.
Well then, the result.
The original image | Improvement 1 | Improvement 2 |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
You can get the desired image.
Let's take a look at the execution time (ms).
n = 2 | n = 3 | n = 4 | |
Improvement 1 | 4.9848556 | 9.9725723 | 15.921831 |
Improvement 2 | 4.9870014 | 4.9834251 | 4.9870014 |
Processing is faster.
In the same way, we will improve Figure 2.
Conversion function
def toneCurve22(frame, n = 1):
look_up_table = np.zeros((256,1), dtype = 'uint8')
for i in range(256):
if i < 256 - 256 / n :
look_up_table[i][0] = 0
look_up_table[i][0] = i * n - 255 * (n - 1)
return cv2.LUT(frame, look_up_table)
What I'm doing is almost the same, so I won't explain it in detail,
if i < 256 - 256 / n :
The part of is a generalization of the function part when n = 2
where x <128
If n = 2
x <256 --256 / n = 128
That is,
It can be transformed into x <128
Well then, the result.
The original image | Improvement 1 | Improvement 2 |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
You can get the desired image.
Let's take a look at the execution time (ms).
n = 2 | n = 3 | n = 4 | |
Improvement 1 | 25.915145 | 32.911539 | 36.406755 |
Improvement 2 | 4.9862861 | 4.9872398 | 4.9846172 |
After all, the one that processes quickly is good.
This time, I talked about the tone curve lazily.
OpenCV is very convenient. My ancestors don't get upset ... What's more, Python can be used with just one command.
Will anyone see this article? Or, even though I'm worried If this is a memorandum, insure I always post.
I hope this article will be useful to someone someday.
Finally, put the source code used this time and finish. What should I do next?
Then: wave:
Under the current directory In a directory called image There is an image file called castle.jpg. If you use this code, please change it yourself.
Also, install the library below.
$ pip install opencv-python
$ pip freeze
import cv2
import numpy as np
def toneCurve(frame):
return 2 * frame
def negaPosi(frame):
return 255 - frame
def toneCurve11(frame, n = 1):
tmp = frame
if n > 1:
for i in range(1, n):
tmp = cv2.add(tmp, frame)
return tmp
def toneCurve12(frame, n = 1):
look_up_table = np.zeros((256, 1), dtype = 'uint8')
for i in range(256):
if i < 256 / n:
look_up_table[i][0] = i * n
look_up_table[i][0] = 255
return cv2.LUT(frame, look_up_table)
def toneCurve21(frame, n = 1):
if n > 1:
return negaPoso(toneCurve11(negaPosi(frame), n))
return frame
def toneCurve22(frame, n = 1):
look_up_table = np.zeros((256, 1), dtype = 'uint8')
for i in range(256):
if i < 256 - 256 / n :
look_up_table[i][0] = 0
look_up_table[i][0] = i * n - 255 * (n - 1)
return cv2.LUT(frame, look_up_table)
def main():
img_path = '.\\image\\castle.jpg'
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
cv2.imwrite('.\\image\\tone00.jpg', toneCurve(img))
cv2.imwrite('.\\image\\tone11.jpg', toneCurve11(img, 2))
cv2.imwrite('.\\image\\tone12.jpg', toneCurve12(img, 2))
cv2.imwrite('.\\image\\tone21.jpg', toneCurve21(img, 2))
cv2.imwrite('.\\image\\tone22.jpg', toneCurve22(img, 2))
if __name__ == '__main__':
-[Computer Graphics] cv -Optie Lab (Hatena Blog) -Python learning process (Hatena Blog) -[Image source](https://pixabay.com/ja/photos/%E5%9F%8E-%E3%82%B9%E3%82%B3%E3%83%83%E3%83%88 % E3% 83% A9% E3% 83% B3% E3% 83% 89-3619698 /) (Pixabay)
[^ 1]: Excerpt from [Computer Graphics] cv
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