Or Web version (although it is the complete version), A complementary Refactoring Catalog is available.
Sample code for books and catalogs is JavaScript, Here is a sample code for refactoring in Python based on the catalog
I will leave the detailed explanation to the book and show it with a glue like "Let's do this here"
Initial code, JavaScript version
function circum(radius) {
return 2 * Math.PI * radius;
After refactoring
function circumference(radius) {
return 2 * Math.PI * radius;
Initial code
import numpy as np
def circum(radius):
return 2 * np.pi * radius
Test code, triangulation
from unittest import TestCase
import numpy as np
class TestCatalog(TestCase):
def test_circum_10(self):
self.assertEqual(circum(10), 20*np.pi)
def test_circum_20(self):
self.assertEqual(circum(20), 40*np.pi)
Add internal function
import numpy as np
def circum(radius):
def circumference(radius): # add
return 2 * np.pi * radius # add
return 2 * np.pi * radius
Use internal functions
import numpy as np
def circum(radius):
def circumference(radius):
return 2 * np.pi * radius
return circumference(radius) # edit
Externalize functions, extract variables
import numpy as np
def circum(radius):
return circumference(radius)
def circumference(radius): # move
return 2 * np.pi * radius # move
Change the test target
from unittest import TestCase
import numpy as np
class TestCatalog(TestCase):
def test_circum_10(self):
self.assertEqual(circumference(10), 20*np.pi) # edit
def test_circum_20(self):
self.assertEqual(circumference(20), 40*np.pi) # edit
Remove unused functions
import numpy as np
def circumference(radius):
return 2 * np.pi * radius
I think changes like this example can be helped by the editor's refactoring feature, You can safely refactor the addition and removal of arguments with the same procedure.
A case where you want to correct the fact that you use only a part of the object, but you are passing the entire object as an argument.
Initial code, JavaScript version
function inNewEngland(aCustomer) {
return ["MA", "CT", "ME", "VT", "NH", "RI"].includes(aCustomer.address.state);
After refactoring
function inNewEngland(stateCode) {
return ["MA", "CT", "ME", "VT", "NH", "RI"].includes(stateCode);
Initial code
def inNewEngland(aCustomer):
return aCustomer.address.state in ["MA", "CT", "ME", "VT", "NH", "RI"]
Test code
from unittest import TestCase
from collections import namedtuple
class TestCatalog(TestCase):
def test_inNewEngland(self):
address = namedtuple("address", "state")
aCustomer = namedtuple("aCustomer", "address")
customer = aCustomer(address("MA"))
Extracting variables
def inNewEngland(aCustomer):
stateCode = aCustomer.address.state # add
return stateCode in ["MA", "CT", "ME", "VT", "NH", "RI"] # edit
Function extraction
def inNewEngland(aCustomer):
stateCode = aCustomer.address.state
return xxinNewEngland(stateCode) # edit
def xxinNewEngland(stateCode): # add
return stateCode in ["MA", "CT", "ME", "VT", "NH", "RI"] # add
Variable inlining
def inNewEngland(aCustomer):
return xxinNewEngland(aCustomer.address.state) # edit
def xxinNewEngland(stateCode):
return stateCode in ["MA", "CT", "ME", "VT", "NH", "RI"]
Change the test target
from unittest import TestCase
from collections import namedtuple
class TestCatalog(TestCase):
def test_inNewEngland(self):
address = namedtuple("address", "state")
aCustomer = namedtuple("aCustomer", "address")
customer = aCustomer(address("MA"))
self.assertTrue(xxinNewEngland(customer.address.state)) # edit
Remove unused functions and rename functions
def inNewEngland(stateCode):
return stateCode in ["MA", "CT", "ME", "VT", "NH", "RI"]
I jumped a little at the end, but I hope that the function of the editor will help me to change the function name.
that's all
[(Youtube) Martin Fowler-Refactoring Catalog-Change Function Declaration @ Tommy109](http://www.youtube.com/ watch? v = KzStiWzLwg4)