Linux command <Basic 2>

Linux command basics 2.

find command

Find the file

[wataru@localhost testgo]$ find . -name work.08.txt -print
#find <Search start position> <Search conditions> <action>Format
#-print is an action that prints the pathname (if the action is omitted)-It is considered that print is specified)
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ find . -name 'work.0*' -print
#-If you use wildcards in name,''(Single quote)Surround with
#""(Double quotation)But yes
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ find . -name "work.0*"
#""(Double quotation)But it is searched without problems
#-If you omit print, it will be automatically-Considered to have specified print
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ find . -type d
#-Use type d to search directories
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ find . -type f
#-Use type f to search for files
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ ls
2020dir       work.02.txt  work.04.xls  work.06.txt  work.07.xls  work.09.xls
testtest.txt  work.02.xls  work.05.txt  work.06.xls  work.08.txt  work.10.xls
work.01.xls   work.03.xls  work.05.xls  work.07.txt  work.08.xls

wataru@localhost testgo]$ find . -type f -name '*xls'
#-type f and-name can be used together

vi command

Text editor

Basic commands

command Contents
:q Quit vi
:w Save the file by overwriting
:w Save it after naming it
:q! Exit vi without saving the file

Move command

command Contents
gg Move to the first line
G Move to the last line
G Move to the line
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ vi work.05.txt 

-- INSERT --  
#Enter i or a to enter insert mode
#Enter the Esc key to exit insert mode

Cut, copy, paste

Delete command

command Contents
d$ Delete to the end of the line
dgg Delete up to the first line
dG Delete to the last line

#d$And deleted until the end of the line(7890 Deleted)
"work.05.txt" 9L, 56C     

#d$The character string deleted in can be pasted using p.


You can search by entering / (slash) in normal mode.





# /Enter the character you want to search after

chmod command

Change file mode

wataru@localhost testgo]$ ls -l 
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 2 wataru wataru 25 Jul  7 16:25 2020dir
-rw-rw-r--. 1 wataru wataru  0 Jul  5 04:26 testtest.txt

[wataru@localhost testgo]$ chmod u+x testtest.txt
#chmod [ugoa][+-=][rwx] <file name>You can set permissions with
#This time, testtest.Added execute permission to the owner of the txt file
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ ls -l
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 2 wataru wataru 25 Jul  7 16:25 2020dir
-rwxrw-r--. 1 wataru wataru  0 Jul  5 04:26 testtest.txt

chmod user specification

symbol meaning
u Owner
g group
o Other users
a ugo all
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ chmod u-rx testtest.txt
#testtest.Prohibited read and write permissions on txt file owners
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ ls -l
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 2 wataru wataru 25 Jul  7 16:25 2020dir
--w-rw-r--. 1 wataru wataru  0 Jul  5 04:26 testtest.txt
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ chmod a+rwx testtest.txt
#Set read, write, and execute permissions for all users
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ ls -l
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 2 wataru wataru 25 Jul  7 16:25 2020dir
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 wataru wataru  0 Jul  5 04:26 testtest.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 wataru wataru  0 Jul 11 01:55 work.txt
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ chmod 444 testtest.txt
#Permission can be set even with numerical values
#This time, read only setting
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ ls -l
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 2 wataru wataru 25 Jul  7 16:25 2020dir
-r--r--r--. 1 wataru wataru  0 Jul  5 04:26 testtest.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 wataru wataru  0 Jul 11 01:55 work.txt

Permission numbers in numeric mode

Numerical value meaning
4 reading
2 writing
1 Run
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ chmod 660 testtest.txt
#Set read and write permissions for owners and groups
[wataru@localhost testgo]$ ls -l
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 2 wataru wataru 25 Jul  7 16:25 2020dir
-rw-rw----. 1 wataru wataru  0 Jul  5 04:26 testtest.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 wataru wataru  0 Jul 11 01:55 work.txt

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