Handle Java 8 date and time API with Thymeleaf with Spring Boot


Thymeleaf does not have a built-in Utility to operate the Java 8 date and time API by default. Include and use thymeleaf-extras-java8time.


Modify pom.xml

Add the dependency of thymeleaf-extras-java8time.


Register Dialect to DI container

** * From spring-boot 1.4.0, it is no longer necessary to register Dialect in the DI container ***

~~ To be able to use it with Spring Boot, Dialect must be registered in the DI container. I will write an example of creating and registering a dedicated Configuration. ~~

public class ThymeleafExtrasConfiguration {
    public Java8TimeDialect java8TimeDialect() {
        return new Java8TimeDialect();

Call in template

You will be able to call it as follows.

${#temporals.format(hogeDateTime, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')}


  1. Add dependency
  2. Register Dialect in DI container
  3. Use in template


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