Personal comment criteria [Java edition]

In case you are asked, "What criteria do you use to comment?" I wrote it in about 30 minutes, so I think there are a lot of omissions, but somehow it looks like this.

Javadoc Basically put on. Private has a slightly lower priority, but add as much as possible, especially if it's a method. Use a lot of mechanisms (return, etc.) provided by Javadoc, and never use tag-like things.

Q. Private Javadoc doesn't mean document generation. Are you stupid? A. It's automatically generated and I've got a clue. And I'll pick up some complementary tips in Javadoc. It is only after giving wisdom to all humankind that it can be said that all the variables can be managed.

Normal It is attached according to the following criteria.

Rewrite Rewrite or eliminate comments such as the following if possible. When the words "** get " and " set **" appear, they are usually excluded.

[^ 1]: Tends to be half complaints. Rabbit angle short. [^ 2]: Since the content is content, it tends to be long again. You should prepare the material and write it there. [^ 3]: Hibernate Validator. [^ 4]: Email address validation. [^ 5]: What do you really think about the fact that "serialVersionUID" is written in serialVersionUID in particular? Are you thinking about anything? [^ 6]: I wonder if I read the Javadoc specifications. I guess I couldn't read it. [^ 7]: Fortunately, "it was crushed even though important things were written on the interface side" does not happen unexpectedly. It's usually a copy.

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