A tool that automatically operates the browser Mainly used for rush test Postman is better for small operations, ** postman can't spawn multiple threads, so I have to use JMeter **
Where to install JMeter: c: \ apache-jmeter-5.2.1
set JMETER_LANGUAGE=-Duser.language="ja" -Duser.region="JP"
c:\apache-jmeter-5.2.1\bin\jmeter.bat -H "Proxy host" -P "Proxy port" -u "Proxy user" -a "Proxy password" -t honya_rush_test.jmx
1st line: Japanese localization 2nd line: Start jmeter in view mode Boot options -t: File name to save the browser operation settings. The first time there is no file, so an error occurs
Variables are the settings that are more convenient to set from the outside. ** Format: $ {__ P (variable name)} **
Here, the number of threads, the Ramp-Up period, and the number of loops are used as variables.
Setting to create a date and time folder every time you start up and save the result completely
set time_tmp=%time: =0%
set now=%date:/=%%time_tmp:~0,2%%time_tmp:~3,2%%time_tmp:~6,2%
set JMETER_LANGUAGE=-Duser.language="ja" -Duser.region="JP"
c:\apache-jmeter-5.2.1\bin\jmeter.bat -H "Proxy host" -P "Proxy port" -u "Proxy user" -a "Proxy password" -n -t honya_rush_test.jmx -Jthread_count=100 -Jloop_count=100 -Jramp_up=100 -j %now%/jmeter.log -l %now%/jmeter.jtl -e -o %now%/report
1st and 2nd lines: Setting the date and time folder name 4th line: Japanese localization Line 5: Start jmeter in batch mode Boot options -t: File name created in view mode -n: Start jmeter in batch mode -J variable name = value: put a value in the variable set externally set in view mode -j: Log file name -l: Test result output destination file name -e: Output report -o: Test result output destination folder name
-A is the password, is it a of password?
If -l is the test result, maybe leport ??
-j is the log file name?
requires java8 or above
Apache JMeter 5.2.1 Official
apache-jmeter-5.2.1.zip Direct link of zip As of February 10, 2020)
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