Tips for using Realsense SR300 on MacBook in 2020

When I tried to run SR300, which is a slightly older version of Realsense, on a MacBook, I stumbled a little, so it's a memo.

The summary is as follows.

  1. Use librealsense of Latest Legacy Release
  2. install pyrealsense with different build flags in
  3. Use a USB power supply with sufficient power

1. Use librealsense of Latest Legacy Release

The latest version of the SDK may fail to connect to a Realsense device with the following error:

Could not open device command transfer failed to execute bulk transfer, error: RS2_USB_STATUS_TIMEOUT

Therefore, use the following old version SDK.

After cloning, you can cmake like the latest version. Don't forget to open XCode after cmake, build with ʻinstall` target and have librealsense installed!

2. install pyrealsense with different build flags in

For Python integration, use this old version.

If you try to install with pip, the build will moss in the latest version of XCode environment. The cause is that the reference destination of stdlib of XCode has changed, so I will specify it again in

    module = cythonize(
            sources=["pyrealsense/rsutilwrapper.pyx", "pyrealsense/rsutilwrapperc.cpp"],
            extra_compile_args=["-O3", "-stdlib=libc++"], #Add here
            extra_link_args=["-stdlib=libc++"], #Add here

Once edited, you can install it with python install.

3. Use a USB power supply with sufficient power

Since the depth sensor consumes a lot of power, a cheap USB-C conversion connector may start up and drop immediately.

Make sure to use something with sufficient power, such as a genuine Apple conversion connector.

that's all. Hope it helps someone!

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