[RUBY] Error in docker rails db: migrate (StandardError: An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled :)

This is Qiita's first post. Thank you.



In rails built in docker environment, when docker-compose exec web rails db: migrate is set, the following error occurs

rails aborted!
StandardError: An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:

Mysql2::Error: Invalid use of NULL value: ALTER TABLE `tasks` CHANGE `name` `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL
....Omitted below


It wasn't completely identified, but it's possible that the previous migration process wasn't working. There was an error around creating the table. I should have fixed the error Mysql ...


Reset the database.

$ docker-compose exec web rails db:migrate:reset

Migrate again

$ docker-compose exec web rails db:migrate

I was able to repair it. For confirmation, I think you should see if the DB surroundings are working correctly from the console.

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