Java GC method determination conditions


When the Java GC method (Parallel GC, G1GC, etc.) is not specified by the option, I tried to follow the process in the Java VM source code to see how it is determined. The source is from OpenJDK Java11. Src / hotspot is omitted in the following source path.


To write the conclusion first, if the GC method is not specified by the option, it will be as follows.

conditions GC method
Server class machine UseG1GC
Client class machine UseSerialGC

A server class machine is basically a machine with 2 or more CPUs and 2G or more of memory.

Source details

It is called in the following order when JavaVM is started.

Threads::create_vm (share/runtime/thread.cpp)
  Arguments::apply_ergo (share/runtime/arguments.cpp)
      GCConfig::initialize (share/gc/shared/gcConfig.cpp)

Follow each source in turn.


jint Threads::create_vm(JavaVMInitArgs* args, bool* canTryAgain) {
  // Parse arguments
  // Note: this internally calls os::init_container_support()
  jint parse_result = Arguments::parse(args);
  if (parse_result != JNI_OK) return parse_result;


  jint ergo_result = Arguments::apply_ergo();   // ★
  if (ergo_result != JNI_OK) return ergo_result;

If java arguments are parsed with Arguments :: parse and the GC method is specified, the option will be true. For example, -XX: + UseParallelGC will set UseParallelGC to true. Basically, the value of each option in the JVM uses a variable with the name of the option on the source.


jint Arguments::apply_ergo() {
  // Set flags based on ergonomics.
  jint result = set_ergonomics_flags();  //  ★
  if (result != JNI_OK) return result;


jint Arguments::set_ergonomics_flags() {
  GCConfig::initialize();   //  ★



void GCConfig::initialize() {
  assert(_arguments == NULL, "Already initialized");
  _arguments = select_gc();  //  ★
GCArguments* GCConfig::select_gc() {
  // Fail immediately if an unsupported GC is selected

  if (is_no_gc_selected()) {   //★ If the GC method is not specified
    // Try select GC ergonomically
    select_gc_ergonomically();    //★ Determine the GC method here


is_no_gc_selected returns true if no method is specified, false if the GC method is already specified.


bool GCConfig::is_no_gc_selected() {
  FOR_EACH_SUPPORTED_GC(gc) {   //  ★
    if (gc->_flag) {
      return false;

  return true;

FOR_EACH_SUPPORTED_GC is defined below.


#define FOR_EACH_SUPPORTED_GC(var)                                          \
  for (const SupportedGC* var = &SupportedGCs[0]; var < &SupportedGCs[ARRAY_SIZE(SupportedGCs)]; var++)

SupportedGCs lists the supported GC methods.


static const SupportedGC SupportedGCs[] = {
       CMSGC_ONLY_ARG(SupportedGC(UseConcMarkSweepGC, CollectedHeap::CMS,      cmsArguments,      "concurrent mark sweep gc"))
   EPSILONGC_ONLY_ARG(SupportedGC(UseEpsilonGC,       CollectedHeap::Epsilon,  epsilonArguments,  "epsilon gc"))
        G1GC_ONLY_ARG(SupportedGC(UseG1GC,            CollectedHeap::G1,       g1Arguments,       "g1 gc"))
  PARALLELGC_ONLY_ARG(SupportedGC(UseParallelGC,      CollectedHeap::Parallel, parallelArguments, "parallel gc"))
  PARALLELGC_ONLY_ARG(SupportedGC(UseParallelOldGC,   CollectedHeap::Parallel, parallelArguments, "parallel gc"))
    SERIALGC_ONLY_ARG(SupportedGC(UseSerialGC,        CollectedHeap::Serial,   serialArguments,   "serial gc"))
         ZGC_ONLY_ARG(SupportedGC(UseZGC,             CollectedHeap::Z,        zArguments,        "z gc"))


Here, the GC method is determined depending on whether or not it is a server class machine.


void GCConfig::select_gc_ergonomically() {
  if (os::is_server_class_machine()) {
    FLAG_SET_ERGO_IF_DEFAULT(bool, UseG1GC, true);  //★ G1GC for server class machines
    FLAG_SET_ERGO_IF_DEFAULT(bool, UseParallelGC, true);
    FLAG_SET_ERGO_IF_DEFAULT(bool, UseSerialGC, true);
  } else {
    FLAG_SET_ERGO_IF_DEFAULT(bool, UseSerialGC, true);  //★ SerialGC for client class machines


is_server_class_machine returns true (that is, server class machine) or false under the following conditions.

conditions Return value
When the option NeverActAsServerClassMachine is specified false
When the option AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine is specified true
2 or more CPUs and 2G or more of memory true
other than that false


bool os::is_server_class_machine() {
  // First check for the early returns
  if (NeverActAsServerClassMachine) {  //★ If NeverActAsServerClassMachine is specified, it is regarded as not a server class machine.
    return false;
  if (AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine) { //★ If AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine is specified, it is regarded as a server class machine.
    return true;
  // Then actually look at the machine
  bool         result            = false;
  const unsigned int    server_processors = 2;
  const julong server_memory     = 2UL * G;
  // We seem not to get our full complement of memory.
  //     We allow some part (1/8?) of the memory to be "missing",
  //     based on the sizes of DIMMs, and maybe graphics cards.
  const julong missing_memory   = 256UL * M;

  /* Is this a server class machine? */  //★ True if 2 or more CPUs and 2G or more of memory
  if ((os::active_processor_count() >= (int)server_processors) &&
      (os::physical_memory() >= (server_memory - missing_memory))) {
    const unsigned int logical_processors =
    if (logical_processors > 1) {
      const unsigned int physical_packages =
        os::active_processor_count() / logical_processors;
      if (physical_packages >= server_processors) {
        result = true;
    } else {
      result = true;
  return result;

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