iPython I don't think it's very useful, so I tried using the best IDE, PyCharm. However, I didn't know how to use matplotlib, so I looked it up. By the way, Canopy is included.
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
index = ["America/New_York", "Unknown", "America/Chicago", "America/Los_Angeles", "America/Denver", "Missing",
"Europe/London", "Asia/Tokyo", "Pacific/Honolulu", "Europe/Madrid"]
data = [1251, 521, 400, 382, 191, 120, 74, 37, 36, 35]
frame = DataFrame(data=data, index=index, columns=["count"])
print frame
America/New_York 1251
Unknown 521
America/Chicago 400
America/Los_Angeles 382
America/Denver 191
Missing 120
Europe/London 74
Asia/Tokyo 37
Pacific/Honolulu 36
Europe/Madrid 35
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
frame.plot(kind="barh", rot=0)
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