paiza Ruby What I did to become B rank


In my mid-30s (inexperienced in the IT industry), I thought that I needed to show my skill level when I was looking for a job, so I decided to use paiza's skill check. I've touched Ruby a little at a programming school (about the minimum level to use Ruby on Rails).

About paiza ranking

In paiza, it is divided into 6 ranks from E to S (starting from E). The S rank is officially listed as the top 2%, the A rank as the top 8%, the B rank as the top 30%, and the C rank as the top 60%. In paiza job change, the companies that can apply for each acquisition rank are different, and as of September 10, 2020, there are 132 C ranks, 638 B ranks, 326 A ranks, 48 S ranks, details etc. are unknown. However, I thought that skills of B rank or higher were required. Among them, considering my current skills and the needs of the company, I thought that B rank was necessary, and decided to acquire B rank as one goal.

About stepping up from D to C rank

I learned about D → C rank by watching an introductory video of Ruby. For introductory videos, there are chapters on basics, conditionals, arrays, hashes, 2D arrays, and classes. After watching the video, I had an exercise and solved it. For exercises, you can establish your knowledge by tracing the contents of the video. A collection of problems is prepared, and we proceeded by solving D-rank problems and then solving C-rank problems, which are hints for solving C-rank problems. I felt that the C-rank problem was complicated, but now that I can imagine the solution, I took the C-rank skill check and was able to pass it.

About stepping up from C to B rank

I just solved the problem book and studied. Regarding B rank, it is a more complicated content of the C rank problem. It was difficult to understand the content of the problem, the method of conditional branching became complicated, and the number of codes increased, which made it much more difficult than the rank up from D to C. However, it was not that I had to study a new method.

Reference article

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