Introduction to Scala from a Java perspective (Class-Tuple edition) to decompile and understand

This article is an in-house technology community of Fujitsu Systems Limited Web Technology, "Innovation Promotion Community" This is the 16th day article of Inobeko Advent Calendar 2020 planned by "Inobeko" for short. The content of this article is my own opinion and does not represent the organization to which I belong.

Promise so far: wink:


In this article, a Java programmer who started Scala decompiles the generated class file by compiling Scala. I came up with the idea of ​​wanting to understand Scala from a Java perspective what I started.

This time, I would like to mainly look back on the contents of the Class-Tuple edition.


Basic class with no fun


class User

import scala.reflect.ScalaSignature;

@ScalaSignature(bytes = "\006\005]1AAA\002\001\031!)1\003\001C\001)\t!Qk]3s\025\t!Q!\001\btG\006d\027\rZ3d_6\004\030\016\\3\013\005\0319\021A\0034jg\"L'-Y:iS*\021\001\"C\001\007O&$\b.\0362\013\003)\t1aY8n\007\001\031\"\001A\007\021\0059\tR\"A\b\013\003A\tQa]2bY\006L!AE\b\003\r\005s\027PU3g\003\031a\024N\\5u}Q\tQ\003\005\002\027\0015\t1\001")
public class User {}

There is nothing special to say ...

Basic class 2 with no fun


class Point(var x: Int, var y: Int) {

  def move(dx: Int, dy: Int): Unit = {
    x = x + dx
    y = y + dy

  override def toString: String =
    s"($x, $y)"

@ScalaSignature(bytes = "\006\005\0313AAC\006\001)!A1\004\001BA\002\023\005A\004\003\005!\001\t\005\r\021\"\001\"\021!9\003A!A!B\023i\002\002\003\025\001\005\003\007I\021\001\017\t\021%\002!\0211A\005\002)B\001\002\f\001\003\002\003\006K!\b\005\006[\001!\tA\f\005\006g\001!\t\001\016\005\006s\001!\tE\017\002\006!>Lg\016\036\006\003\0315\tab]2bY\006$WmY8na&dWM\003\002\017\037\005Qa-[:iS\n\f7\017[5\013\005A\t\022AB4ji\",(MC\001\023\003\r\031w.\\\002\001'\t\001Q\003\005\002\02735\tqCC\001\031\003\025\0318-\0317b\023\tQrC\001\004B]f\024VMZ\001\002qV\tQ\004\005\002\027=%\021qd\006\002\004\023:$\030!\002=`I\025\fHC\001\022&!\t12%\003\002%/\t!QK\\5u\021\0351#!!AA\002u\t1\001\037\0232\003\tA\b%A\001z\003\025Ix\fJ3r)\t\0213\006C\004'\013\005\005\t\031A\017\002\005e\004\023A\002\037j]&$h\bF\0020cI\002\"\001\r\001\016\003-AQaG\004A\002uAQ\001K\004A\002u\tA!\\8wKR\031!%N\034\t\013YB\001\031A\017\002\005\021D\b\"\002\035\t\001\004i\022A\0013z\003!!xn\025;sS:<G#A\036\021\005q\032eBA\037B!\tqt#D\001@\025\t\0015#\001\004=e>|GOP\005\003\005^\ta\001\025:fI\0264\027B\001#F\005\031\031FO]5oO*\021!i\006")
public class Point {
  private int x;
  private int y;
  public int x() {
    return this.x;
  public void x_$eq(int x$1) {
    this.x = x$1;
  public int y() {
    return this.y;
  public void y_$eq(int x$1) {
    this.y = x$1;
  public Point(int x, int y) {}
  public void move(int dx, int dy) {
    x_$eq(x() + dx);
    y_$eq(y() + dy);
  public String toString() {
    return (new StringBuilder(4)).append("(").append(x()).append(", ").append(y()).append(")").toString();

, Getter/setter, _ $ eq method for each property. The override keyword of the toString method has disappeared.

Constructor with default arguments


class Point(var x: Int = 0, var y: Int = 0)

@ScalaSignature(bytes = "\006\005\0353A!\004\b\001/!Aa\004\001BA\002\023\005q\004\003\005$\001\t\005\r\021\"\001%\021!Q\003A!A!B\023\001\003\002C\026\001\005\003\007I\021A\020\t\0211\002!\0211A\005\0025B\001b\f\001\003\002\003\006K\001\t\005\006a\001!\t!M\004\bm9\t\t\021#\0018\r\035ia\"!A\t\002aBQ\001M\005\005\002eBqAO\005\022\002\023\0051\bC\004G\023E\005I\021A\036\003\013A{\027N\034;\013\005=\001\022AD:dC2\fG-Z2p[BLG.\032\006\003#I\t!BZ5tQ&\024\027m\0355j\025\t\031B#\001\004hSRDWO\031\006\002+\005\0311m\\7\004\001M\021\001\001\007\t\0033qi\021A\007\006\0027\005)1oY1mC&\021QD\007\002\007\003:L(+\0324\002\003a,\022\001\t\t\0033\005J!A\t\016\003\007%sG/A\003y?\022*\027\017\006\002&QA\021\021DJ\005\003Oi\021A!\0268ji\"9\021FAA\001\002\004\001\023a\001=%c\005\021\001\020I\001\002s\006)\021p\030\023fcR\021QE\f\005\bS\025\t\t\0211\001!\003\tI\b%\001\004=S:LGO\020\013\004eQ*\004CA\032\001\033\005q\001b\002\020\b!\003\005\r\001\t\005\bW\035\001\n\0211\001!\003\025\001v.\0338u!\t\031\024b\005\002\n1Q\tq'A\016%Y\026\0348/\0338ji\022:'/Z1uKJ$C-\0324bk2$H%M\013\002y)\022\001%P\026\002}A\021q\bR\007\002\001*\021\021IQ\001\nk:\034\007.Z2lK\022T!a\021\016\002\025\005tgn\034;bi&|g.\003\002F\001\n\tRO\\2iK\016\\W\r\032,be&\fgnY3\0027\021bWm]:j]&$He\032:fCR,'\017\n3fM\006,H\016\036\0233\001")
public class Point {
  private int x;
  private int y;
  public static int $lessinit$greater$default$2() {
    return Point$.MODULE$.$lessinit$greater$default$2();
  public static int $lessinit$greater$default$1() {
    return Point$.MODULE$.$lessinit$greater$default$1();
  public int x() {
    return this.x;
  public void x_$eq(int x$1) {
    this.x = x$1;
  public int y() {
    return this.y;
  public void y_$eq(int x$1) {
    this.y = x$1;
  public Point(int x, int y) {}


public final class Point$ {
  public static final Point$ MODULE$ = new Point$();
  public int $lessinit$greater$default$1() {
    return 0;
  public int $lessinit$greater$default$2() {
    return 0;

It has been separated into Point class and Point \ $ class. The default value is implemented as a static method of the Point \ $ class (why not call it from \ $ lessinit \ $ greater \ $ default \ $? ...)

Java does not have the concept of default arguments and is often implemented using overloads, builder patterns, and so on.

Even so, I don't really understand the merit of separating the value from the method that calls the static constant. When is \ $ lessinit \ $ greater \ $ default \ $? Called ...

When I pasted the above java code into jshell and executed it, I got the following error, so Scala's Runtime Reflection may have solved it in some way ... It became.

var point = new Point()
|The constructor Point of class Point cannot be applied to the specified type.
|Expected value: int,int
|Detected value:No arguments
|Reason:The length of the actual argument list and the formal argument list are different.
|  var point = new Point();
|              ^---------^

It seems that we will touch on the default arguments in the next chapter, and it says, "Default parameters defined in Scala are not optional when called from Java code."

Named arguments

You can name the arguments when you call the method.

  def printName(first: String, last: String): Unit = {
    println(first + " " + last)

  printName("John", "Smith")  // ① Prints "John Smith" 
  printName(first = "John", last = "Smith")  // ② Prints "John Smith"
  printName(last = "Smith", first = "John")  // ③ Prints "John Smith"
  public void printName(String first, String last) {
    Predef$.MODULE$.println((new StringBuilder(1)).append(first).append(" ").append(last).toString());

  printName("John", "Smith"); // ①
  printName("John", "Smith"); // ②
  String x$1 = "Smith", x$2 = "John";
  printName("John", "Smith"); // ③

The result was somewhat moody ...

Since Java has no named arguments, the results of ① and ② are as expected. However, it is puzzling why the x $ 1 and x $ 2 arguments are prepared but not used when assigning to printName. I think it's probably due to the optimization of the JVM. .. ..

For the time being, will it be compiled once as variable ⇒ assignment? I will assume that I have obtained the knowledge. .. ..


class TupleSample {
  def getIngredient: (String, Int) = {
    ("Sugar", 25)

  def useIngredient(): Unit = {
    val ingredient = getIngredient;

import scala.Predef$;
import scala.Tuple2;
import scala.reflect.ScalaSignature;
import scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime;

@ScalaSignature(bytes = "\006\005E2A\001B\003\001\035!)Q\003\001C\001-!)\021\004\001C\0015!)A\006\001C\001[\tYA+\0369mKN\013W\016\0357f\025\t1q!\001\btG\006d\027\rZ3d_6\004\030\016\\3\013\005!I\021A\0034jg\"L'-Y:iS*\021!bC\001\007O&$\b.\0362\013\0031\t1aY8n\007\001\031\"\001A\b\021\005A\031R\"A\t\013\003I\tQa]2bY\006L!\001F\t\003\r\005s\027PU3g\003\031a\024N\\5u}Q\tq\003\005\002\031\0015\tQ!A\007hKRLen\032:fI&,g\016^\013\0027A!\001\003\b\020*\023\ti\022C\001\004UkBdWM\r\t\003?\031r!\001\t\023\021\005\005\nR\"\001\022\013\005\rj\021A\002\037s_>$h(\003\002&#\0051\001K]3eK\032L!a\n\025\003\rM#(/\0338h\025\t)\023\003\005\002\021U%\0211&\005\002\004\023:$\030!D;tK&swM]3eS\026tG\017F\001/!\t\001r&\003\0021#\t!QK\\5u\001")
public class TupleSample {
  public Tuple2<String, Object> getIngredient() {
    return new Tuple2("Sugar", BoxesRunTime.boxToInteger(25));
  public void useIngredient() {
    Tuple2<String, Object> ingredient = getIngredient();

Of note here are scala.TupleN and scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime. .. ..


scala.TupleN is Scala's built-in Tuple type with N = 2 ~ 22 defined.


The Int specified in the second element of Tuple in the scala code is Scala's built-in type scala.Int. String is effectively just a String because java.lang.String is defined as a String in scala.Predef as an alias.

So, I don't know if it can be called auto boxing (?) For use in the JVM world, It seems that BoxexRunTime is doing the process of returning to the type on the Java side.

    public static java.lang.Integer boxToInteger(int i) {
        return java.lang.Integer.valueOf(i);

Pattern matching with tuples

You can decompose elements by pattern matching.

    val (name, quantity) = getIngredient
    Tuple2 tuple21;
    Tuple2<String, Object> tuple2 = getIngredient();
    if (tuple2 != null) {
      String str = (String)tuple2._1();
      int i = tuple2._2$mcI$sp();
      tuple21 = new Tuple2(str, BoxesRunTime.boxToInteger(i));
    } else {
      throw new MatchError(tuple2);
    Tuple2 tuple22 = tuple21;
    String name = (String)tuple22._1();
    int quantity = tuple22._2$mcI$sp();

The code, which was only three lines, has become super troublesome. .. .. The point is around here, right?

    if (tuple2 != null) {                                         //Check if tuple is null
      String str = (String)tuple2._1();                           
      int i = tuple2._2$mcI$sp();
      tuple21 = new Tuple2(str, BoxesRunTime.boxToInteger(i));    //Create Tuple again here for some reason
    } else {
      throw new MatchError(tuple2);                               //Well, if it's null, I know it throws an error
    Tuple2 tuple22 = tuple21;                                     //Substitute for new Tuple here for some reason
    String name = (String)tuple22._1();
    int quantity = tuple22._2$mcI$sp();

Isn't this code useless?

try {
  String name = (String)tuple2._1();
  int quantity = tuple2._2$mcI$sp();
} catch (XXXException e) { //ClassCastException
  throw new MatchError(tuple2);

I would like to know why the above decompiled code is better.

for comprehension

I think for inclusion notation is often used in scala

val numPairs = List((2, 5), (3, -7), (20, 56))
for ((a, b) <- numPairs) {
  println(a * b)
    List numPairs = (List)new .colon.colon(new Tuple2.mcII.sp(2, 5), (List)new .colon.colon(new Tuple2.mcII.sp(3, -7), (List)new .colon.colon(new Tuple2.mcII.sp(20, 56), (List)Nil$.MODULE$)));

This is also a great code. .. .. When I looked it up, there was an article like this. .. ..

Apparently, it seems that the contents of for are expanded to the inner class, but as far as the build result of gradle is seen, such an inner class was not found and it was not included in the jar. .. .. image.png

First of all, it is famous that scala's for is map/flatMap/withFilter syntax sugar, The part processed by numPairs.withFilter doesn't need to be here first? I think that numPairs contains (List) Nil $ .MODULE $, and I think that variables a and b are created, so I probably bite the filter here. Are you there? So, is $ anonfun $ forInclusion $ 2 $ adapted probably the part of println that was written in the for?

Anyway, just looking at it so far makes me feel like I understand scala, but I don't know anything about it, so I feel that I need to investigate it carefully.


This time it was an article about Class and Tuple, but there are many things that can not be understood just by decompiling. It has become a content that requires a little more deep moat.

In the next article (it is undecided when), it is good to do TOUR OF SCALA after that, but I'm thinking of learning what Scala's compiler runtime does for you.

~~ I think the contents are a little thin. ~~

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