[DOCKER] Today's python error: killed

"How to count Fukashigi" With your sister: The awesomeness of a combinatorial explosion https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/f309b0c2bb015bbc71c3


# https://qiita.com/cabernet_rock/items/50f955afc16287244154
# https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/f309b0c2bb015bbc71c3
# https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/3a8d89f095489b6e1f56
# https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/819f10124ec453b7ef27

#Import required modules
from graphillion import GraphSet
import graphillion.tutorial as tl
import time              #Check the calculation time.
#Specify the size of the grid
universe = tl.grid(2, 2)
start = 1 #Start position
goal = 9 #Goal position
paths = GraphSet.paths(start, goal)
print (len(paths))
key = 4        #1st place
treasure = 2   #2nd place
paths_to_key = GraphSet.paths(start, key).excluding(treasure)
treasure_paths = paths.including(paths_to_key).including(treasure)
print (len(treasure_paths))
universe = tl.grid(9, 9) #9x9 grid
start = 1
goal = 100
s = time.time()          #Calculation start time
paths = GraphSet.paths(start, goal)
print (time.time() - s )#Calculation time

No answer was given after 12 hours of 9X9.


# https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/f309b0c2bb015bbc71c3

python3 gra10.py

I can't work, so I changed another device to docker 12GB and executed the above script.

Wed Jan 22 02:44:58 UTC 2020
./graat.sh: line 4:    22 Killed                  python3 gra10.py
Wed Jan 22 02:47:29 UTC 2020


Wed Jan 22 03:03:49 UTC 2020
./graat.sh: line 4:    14 Killed                  python3 gra10.py
Wed Jan 22 03:08:19 UTC 2020

I thought it was because the version of docker was different, and when I tried again with the original equipment, yesterday it worked for more than 12 hours and did not stop. Killed in a few minutes today. The reason is unknown.

Document history

ver. 0.01 First draft 20200122 AM ver. 0.02 script postscript 20200122 noon ver. 0.03 python postscript 20200122 Afternoon

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