[JAVA] About studying for the Basic Information Technology Engineer Examination

I got a job offer from Sier for job hunting and became SE as desired in the assignment questionnaire.

It became obligatory to take the Basic Information-Technology Engineers Examination at the will of the parent company.

It seems that "taking an examination" is obligatory instead of "passing". But I originally intended to take it, so it's just right.

I would like to write about my study policy, diary, and current situation.

[Target] ・ Pass the Reiwa 2nd Fall Examination of the Basic Information Technology Engineer Examination → "Morning problem": 60 points or more → "Afternoon problem": 60 points or more

[Current status] ・ Past question dojo of "Basic Information Technology Engineer Examination.com" (https://www.fe-siken.com/) → Score rate of "morning problem" → When 80 questions are solved randomly: About 75-80% → When you solve the mock exam or past questions on another page: About 65%

→ Score rate for "afternoon problem" → Question 1: Information security: 60% (essential problem)    → Question 2: Software: 30% → Q3: Database:- → Q4: Network: 50% → Q5: Software design: 40% → Q6: Project management:- → Q7: Management strategy / company and legal affairs: 50%    → Q8: Data structure and algorithm: 50% (essential problem)    → Q9: C language:- → Q10: COBOL:- → Q11: java: 40% → Q12: Assembler:- → Q13: Spreadsheet:-

[what to do] ・ Try to solve database problems ・ Try to solve project management problems ・ Questions 9 to 13 solve java ・ Solve management strategy ・ Corporate and legal affairs ・ Solve the software

It seems that python appeared in the spring of 2nd year of Reiwa, but it was canceled due to the influence of the coronavirus. There are too few questions in the past, so let's stop python. I'm going to go with java, which I've been self-taught before.

For database problems, if you get the hang of SQL, your score will increase.

Like the database, project management has never been solved, so let's try it. You may be good at it.

I think that business strategy, companies and legal affairs can be solved once you remember the terms and their formulas.

Software is a problem of parallel processing using threads, so I think it will be easier to grasp if you actually write it in a program and study it.

I wonder what I'm going to do for the time being. But the application (mid-July) is still a long way off.

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