Various rails migration operations

What to do in this article

--How to add / remove constraints to columns with NOT NULL constraints --How to delete index from column linked with multiple columns --How to delete a column with a foreign key created with reference type

Add / remove NOT NULL constraint

When you want to add a NOT NULL constraint

def up
  change_column_null :posts, :content, false

def down
  change_column_null :posts, :content, true

The point is to use the up / down method instead of the change method.

When you want to remove a NOT NULL constraint

def up
  change_column_null :posts, :content, true

def down
  change_column_null :posts, :content, false

Remove index from column with composite key index

def change
  remove_index :likes, column: [:user_id, :post_id], unique: true

When deleting the index from a single column, do as follows

def change
  remove_index :likes, column: :micropost_id, unique: true

How to delete a column with a foreign key created with reference type

def change
  remove_reference :posts, :user, null: false, foreign_key: true

foreign_key: If you have set a foreign key with true, you should add it as well.


Check if a column has an index (in MySQL)

mysql > SHOW CREATE TABLE tbl_name


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