If you output the log while asynchronously processing with the application on Google AppEngine Standard Environment for Java8, It is a story that fought against the problem that the log is not correctly linked to the request and is output as the log of another request, which is too detailed to be transmitted.
The language is Scala, and Skinny Micro is used.
First conclusion.
GAE should use ThreadManager.createThreadForCurrentRequest
instead of its own thread.
If you don't mind the log shift in Stackdriver Logging, let's like it.
GAE SE for java8?
It became Generally Available in September 2017. Google Cloud Platform Blog: Java 8 on App Engine standard environment is now generally available
There is official documentation. Reading and Writing Application Logs
According to this, it seems that you should describe the log settings in logging.properties
while outputting the log using java.util.logging
If you are using slf4j, you can use SLF4J JDK14 Binding.
Just use java.util.logging
to output the log without worrying about it, and it will be displayed nicely in Stackdriver Logging.
With GAE SE, this kind of thing is very convenient.
If you use your own Thread and log output in it, it will be output as a log of another request. Stackdriver Logging has a function that collects logs for each request, and you can see the logs for each request as shown in the image below.
--The request is sent 3 times in the order of / sample / myEc
→ / sample / threadManagerEc
→ / sample / myEc
-↓ Log output by the first request to / sample / myEc
-↓ Log output by the second request to / sample / threadManagerEc
-↓ Log output by the third request to / sample / myEc
In short, the log that should be output in the request to / sample / myEc
is treated as that of another request / sample / threadManagerEc
The code that shifts the log looks like this. As mentioned above, the language is Scala, and Skinny Micro is used.
It's a little long, but I put the whole thing on it.
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, TimeUnit}
import com.google.appengine.api.ThreadManager
import skinny.micro.AsyncWebApp
import skinny.micro.context.SkinnyContext
import skinny.micro.contrib.json4s.JSONSupport
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
//Case class for parameters received by json
case class Param(text: String) extends AnyVal
class SampleController extends AsyncWebApp with JSONSupport {
private lazy val log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
//Common processing as a controller
private def _run(executionContext: ExecutionContext)(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext) = {
log.info(s"[START]${LocalDateTime.now()} Thread: ${Thread.currentThread().getId}")
// Future.Asynchronous processing with apply
val resF: Future[String] = Future.apply {
log.info(s"[Future-START]${LocalDateTime.now()} Thread: ${Thread.currentThread().getId}")
//From body to text of request=Get the parameter that is xxx
val param = fromJSONString[Param](request.body).get
log.info(s"$requestPath param: $param")
log.info(s"[Future-END]${LocalDateTime.now()} Thread: ${Thread.currentThread().getId}")
}(executionContext) //Explicitly specify ExecutionContext
//Meet the future
val result = Await.result(resF, Duration.apply(3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
log.info(s"[END]${LocalDateTime.now()} Thread: ${Thread.currentThread().getId}")
//ExecutionContext with its own thread pool
private val myExecutionContext: ExecutionContext =
post("/sample/myEc") { implicit ctx =>
//ExecutionContext using ThreadManager
private val threadManagerExecutionContext: ExecutionContext = new ExecutionContext {
override def execute(runnable: Runnable): Unit =
override def reportFailure(cause: Throwable): Unit =
post("/sample/threadManagerEc") { implicit ctx =>
ʻAwait.result retrieves the value from
Future` because async is not supported on GAE SE jetty.
Servlet asynchronous processing support in App Engine Java 8 standard environment - Stack Overflow
ʻExecutionContext`, that is, the thread used for asynchronous processing is the cause.
The following is a summary of the code described in ↑ around ʻExecutionContext`.
--The path / sample / myEc
prepares its own thread pool and uses it to generate ʻExecutionContext. --In the path
/ sample / threadManagerEc,
ThreadManager.createThreadForCurrentRequest is used to create ʻExecutionContext
It turns out that the log on the thread created without using ThreadManager
is off.
This is the Java 7 documentation for Thread. Java 7 Runtime Environment
And this is the documentation for the Java 8 era. Java 8 Runtime Environment Click here for the document differences between Java 7 and 8.
With the Java 8 runtime, you can still create threads that way, but you can also use Java's built-in APIs, for example new Thread().
So basically, you can freely generate and use Thread like new Thread ()
And the continuation
Currently, if you want to call App Engine APIs (com.google.appengine.api.*), you must call those APIs from a request thread or from a thread created using the ThreadManager API.
It says that you should use ThreadManager
when using the App Engine API.
Stackdriver Logging is also a GCP service, so it hits the App Engine API internally, so it probably won't work as expected unless it's a thread managed by ThreadManager
From this
--I want Stackdriver Logging to log correctly
--Use the thread managed by ThreadManager
as the thread used for asynchronous processing.
--I'm a little worried about performance because I have to make it every time (I haven't benchmarked it)
--Stackdriver Logging doesn't matter
――Let's make threads (pools) as you like
--Performance tuning should be easy because you can freely adjust the number of threads.
It comes to the conclusion.
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